Post 381
Membership meeting
Monday, March 18, 2013
American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:34pm at
Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron
Members Present: Visitors:
Ron Fisher (none)
Henry Turner
Bryan Hoover Membership Approved Excused Absences:
Denny Lavallee
Erle Ross
Jeremy Foster
Chris Marshall
Ian Young
Daniel Dorrance
David Billings
Convocation from Post Chaplain Chris Marshall
Minutes from past minutes were posted online. Some items were discovered to be
missing from past minutes, and will be covered in New Business. A motion was made,
seconded and passed (MSP) to accept the minutes with necessary corrections.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Post Commander Ron Fisher due to the absence of all
members of the Finance Committee. MSP to accept the report.
Chaplain’s Report was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall:
I brought to the Post's attention that Marilyn Bland, a fellow member of Post 381 was sick
and was unable to make the meeting. I also asked everyone to keep Post Members Felix
Colaciello's son, Jimmy, in our prayers while he recovers from surgery and Mr. Henry Turner's
Mother as she is recovering from injuries as well.
We received a letter from Prince George’s County NAACP (click here to view), dated
January 30, 2013, to Post Commander, Warffemius-Seidler Post 381; I have friends, both
combatants and non-combatants who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as well
as physical injuries. We all remember the disregard for this nation’s Vietnam vets. Let’s
not sit by and watch our courageous men and women that fought or supported efforts in
Afghanistan and Iraq suffer the same fate or similar fate. It is a great pleasure that Prince
George’s County NAACP American branch unit 7023 has endorsed and will support
Warffemius-Seidler American Legion Post 381. Sincerely, Robert Ross, president Prince
George’s County NAACP.
It was MSP to suspend the normal order of business for the 2nd Commander’s Report.
2nd Commander’s Report:
- Commander Fisher and I have issued letters of appreciation to the members of
Andrews fire department for their volunteer efforts on the upstairs room.
- Members of Andrews fire department came to the legion on March15th and worked
to repair and secure the roof.
- I am donating a PowMia flag to the legion.
- I am also donating an American flag which has will be flown over the Capital which
will be validated for authenticity with a certificate.
- I will withdraw as 2nd vice commander because I am being discharging from the Air
Force and relocating to Pittsburgh for work.
- Commander Fisher has appointed Christopher Tress to succeed me. My replacement
will need guidance but I will be passing off my number, officers manual, and email
account information to him.
MSP to accept this report.
David Billings moved to thank 2nd Commander Hoover for this service in establishing the
Post and recruiting new members. Commander Fisher moved to amend to add a Letter of
Appreciation. MSP.
Commander Fisher reiterated his appointment of Christopher R. Tress as 2nd Vice
Commander of Post 381 in accordance with established bylaws.
Normal order of business resumed.
Membership: Prospective members presented last month were voted in at the Executive
Committee meeting.
Sick Call: Chaplain Chris Marshall sent cards for several members.
Dr. Billings thanked Chaplain Marshall for remembering his sister.
Old Business: (none)
New Business:
Commander Fisher established a Renovation Committee, with Ian Young as Chair,
and appointed Christopher Tress to the committee.
Recent renovation of Post spaces in Denny’s Place has been overseen by Ron Fisher
and Bryan Hoover. Several local businesses including Home Depot and HH Gregg, and
local craftsmen have donated materials and time, and all have pledged to continue.
Noah’s Market in Clinton has donated 800 pounds of ribs to be delivered to Denny’s
Place every other week. Proceeds to the Post will be used to purchase kitchen equipment
in Denny’s Place. MSP to accept these donations and use the proceeds to enhance the
(A five minute recess took place.)
Commander Ron Fisher established an Exploratory Committee with 1st Vice Commander Turner as chair, with Dr. Billings on this committee.
Post Commander Ron Fisher accepted the National Commander’s challenge to
support Operation Comfort Warriors for $120. Commander Fisher asked for members to
make donations to the Post equal to this amount.
MSP to establish Unit 381 Auxiliary.
At the National Commander’s Banquet at Post 82 in LaPlata on March 9, 2013, National Commander James Koutz formally presented the Temporary Charter certificate to the Post.
MSP to table funding $150 per month telecommunications subscription until
renovations have been complete.
Benediction offered by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Post Commander adjourned the meeting at 9:13pm.
Respectfully Submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald Fisher
Post Adjutant Post Commander