Post 381
December 16, 2013
The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:50 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following Visitors:
members in attendance or excused:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turne
Dan Dorrance
Erle Ross
Chris Marshall
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Felix Colaciello
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
Addition to the November 2013 Minutes: Referring back to the October 21, 2013 minutes, Judge
Advocate Jeremy Foster researched the national bi-laws regarding the comments of Department
Commander Gifford pertaining to the American Legion not being associated with The American Legion
Auxiliary. According to the National Bi-laws, Article 13, Sections 1–3, it was determined that the
statement made by Department Commander Gifford was indeed inaccurate. MSP to approve the
minutes from November with the amendment.
Committee Reports:
Financial Report was given by Pamela Neal-Robinson. MSP.
Executive Committee Report:
Moved to table the Executive Committee report until proper representation can be made. MSP.
Sick Call/Chaplains Report:
The Chaplain will get sympathy cards for the passing to Post Eternal of Post 227’s former Commander
Lester Crumley, and for the Department’s 3rd Vice Commander Pat McCoy’s husband.
Old Business:
Cmdr Fisher received an official letter from Lt. Col. Wooden (Retired) of the Youth Camp that that they
would like Post 381’s support with mentors. However they would like us to be patient as they are under
new management and are working on the logistics to receive help from outside. Lt. Col Wooden offered
his sincere apologies for actions in the past and would follow up with Pam and Cmdr Fisher for
cooperation with Post 381. Cmdr Fisher advised that Pam would be lead chair for Post 381 in this
endeavor to which Cmdr Fisher will provide Pam with all correspondence that takes place between Lt.
Col. Wooden. Bob Ross has been appointed to the committee.
New Business:
Service Officer Dan Dorrance moved to submit a resolution (per the recent research of the Judge
Advocate) through the proper channels to National, notifying them that Post 381 will be suggesting to
amend the Auxiliary bi-laws associated to Post 381, to admit men into The American Legion Auxiliary. Cmdr Fisher agrees with the motion and created the Resolution Committee with Dan Dorrance (chair), Jeremy Foster and Bob Ross with instructions to construct the resolution.
Dan Dorrance would also like the recognition of the Cold War as being an ongoing war to which any Veterans that have been sworn-in since the inception of the Cold War (and family members of the Vets) should be eligible to become members of The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion, and The American Legion Auxiliary respectively. Cmdr Fisher would like to propose a petition to be passed around the community to bolster this recommendation to National. Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster, added that the proposal should also include members of the National Guard to be also acceptable members of the American Legion as they are not included in the National bi-laws, even though Post 381’s bi-laws already includes National Guard service members as eligible persons to join the American Legion.
Cmdr Fisher suggests that the following topics should be addressed in the January Meeting while in the presence of the 3rd Vice Pat McCoy.
Cmdr Fisher has passed the test for the Boy Scouts of America and Post 381 has been awaiting a
response from new leadership for several months. As a result of the Boy Scouts allowing homosexual
members, American Legion posts have dropped them from sponsorship. The question posed to Post 381
is whether or not the Post should follow suit. Meanwhile the local Girl Scouts of Brandywine has
requested Post 381 to support them. Motion was made to sponsor Girl Scouts and the Post will
continue to be patient with the Boy Scouts to respond to our request for sponsorship. MSP
Report for the Good of the Post:
Dan Dorrance mentioned a missing veteran’s remains has been returned to the states; Cmdr Fisher
requests for the address and a card be sent to the family.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall
Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, at 7:30pm, same location.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander