Thursday, March 27, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
    February 18, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:40 pm at Denny’s
Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absence:                    Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                                  Department 3rd Vice Commander Pat McCoy
Henry Turner                                                                             County Commander George Schaff
Dan Dorrance                                                                            Past County Commander Stan Shaw
Chris Marshall                                                                           Zachary Hawkins
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
David Billings

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the December 2013 meeting was presented and approved with the following corrections:

Service Officer Dan Dorrance requested that the term Korean War should replace the Cold War
referenced in the discussion of eligibility of veterans participating in the American Legion, Son’s of the
American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

Committee Reports:

The Financial Report was given by Chaplin Chris Marshall, stating the current account balances as of
January 31, 2014, along with donations made during the month of February 2014. MSP to accept this

Membership Committee Report: Cmdr Fisher advised that the DD-214s of Post 381 Legionnaires are
locked up in the Post’s safe deposit box. Three new members have joined Post 381, giving the post 110%
membership totaling 33 members. All of the original documents pertaining to the Post that had been
submitted to National will be located in the safe deposit box.  Cmdr Fisher further advised the Non-
Profit paperwork had been submitted by National in Sep 2013, which means that Post 381 should be
recognized as a Non-Profit Organization by Jan 2014, but Cmdr Fisher requested of County Cmdr George
Schaff to follow up with National to confirm Post 381 is a Non-Profit. County Cmdr George Schaff
advised that a 501(c)19 Form needed to be sent through the IRS in order for the Post to be recognized
as a Non-Profit Organization. Cmdr Fisher advised that the paperwork was submitted up the chain to
National to submit on behalf of Post 381 to the proper authorities.

First Vice Commander Henry Turner Reported that on Sunday, he, Cmdr Fisher, and Dan Dorrance went
to the Department Executive Committee meeting in Sykesville, MD to receive the National Meritorious
Award for Service on behalf of Post 381. This award recognizes Posts for surpassing membership
objectives in a given year. Mr. Turner further encouraged everyone to bring guests to meetings and look
into recruiting Legionnaires belonging to Posts that don’t have a physical location like Post 297 members
in the area.

Architectural Committee Report was presented by Dr. Billings. He communicated with Mrs. Nikita Reid
who advised that Denny’s Place has too many issues to the point where it would be more beneficial to
the post to build from the ground up than to update the foundation. Mr. Turner added that the benefit
of maintaining the property for its liquor license and slot machine is advantageous for the Post. Mr.
Turner further advised that grandfathered clauses of Denny’s Place has excused Denny from making
upgrades to the establishment to bring the structure up to today’s standards; thus if Post 381 were to
purchase the property the Post would have to bring the structure up to code. Building on-top of the
foundation could prevent the Post from spending additional money and time to maintain the
aforementioned benefits. Cmdr Fisher further advised that Denny has given the Post the option to buy.
Mr. Turner further advised that Denny is eager to sell and is willing to sell at a lower price, but would like
assurance that the Post would follow through with the plans of making Denny’s Place the “home” of
Post 381.

Mr. Turner advised Denny that the Post needs to address the means to obtain the money to purchase
Denny’s Place along with developing the funds for other projects Post 381 has concerns with. One
option the Post is exploring would be to include a Restaurateur to rent a portion of Denny’s Place while
the Post maintains other portions of the property. Cmdr Fisher further advised that per the discussion
with Denny, if Post 381 is able to create revenue to pay for the mortgage, any additional profits would
be used to reduce the mortgage balance on Denny’s Place. Mr. Turner furthered the point that it’s going
to need the members of Post 381 to lobby through social media, personal contacts, even other Posts
around the country help support in the fundraising efforts of Post 381.

Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster motioned to establish a Fundraising Committee to support awareness to
the building aspirations of Post 381. MSP. Jeremy Foster was appointed the Chair, with Dr. Billings as
member of the committee.

Old Business:

Cmdr Fisher has passed the test for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and Post 381 continues to wait for a
response from new BSA leadership. Local Girl Scouts will be sending Post 381 the necessary paperwork
to sponsor Troop 213.

New Business:

Bob Ross’ guest Zachary Hawkins from NAACPs Youth Program has decided to join Post 381 and will be
the lead POC between Post 381 and NAACPs Youth Program.

Bob Ross requested Post 381’s assistance in finding high school students to participate in NAACP’s
summer STEM Program sending students to Las Vegas with no cost to sponsors; Mr. Turner suggested
that notifications to JROTC programs in the local area should be made aware of the opportunity and
copies of the flier to advertise the NAACP event should be available to post.

Cmdr Fisher mentioned that the paper work for nominees for Boys State should be submitted soon as
the event would take place in June. Sponsorship would cost $300 and nominee must be a junior in High
Post 282 is hosting the Oyster Bowl on 22 Feb 2014. This is to honor American Legion Posts that meet
membership goals in the fiscal year. Cmdr Fisher advised Post 381 is to receive another award at the
Oyster Bowl and is looking for members of the Post to attend the Oyster Bowl with him.

For the Good of the Post: County Cmdr George Schaff advised that every Post must have an inspection
conducted by the County Commander on an annual basis. Any person handling funds over $1000 within
the American Legion Post should be insured and bonded. Post 381 should also consider taking
advantage of Officer’s Liability Insurance.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Monday, March 17, 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ located at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                     Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant                                                                     Post 381 Commander