Post 381
August 18, 2014
The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership
meeting opened at 7:38 pm
at 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander
Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Erle Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman
Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall
Minutes from 21 Jul 2014, are to be amended in regards to
the Grounds Committee Report
changing the word “support” to “assistance” referring to
the presentation of the Certificate
of Recognition and Commander’s Coin. MSP
Treasury Report: Finance Officer (FO) Pam Neal-Robinson presented the
bank balances.
Paypal donations are not being direct deposited to the bank and FO Neal
will be looking into
the issue. Commander Fisher has selected Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster
to be added to the
Paypal account with FO Neal as back up. MSP
Commander’s Report: Commander Fisher wanted to reiterate the point that
Post 381s bi-
laws clearly states that only 5 members are needed to make a quorum.
This point was to be
made clear as one of the American Legion Posts in MD are having issues
with quorums not
being met for their monthly meetings.
Grounds Committee Report: Committee Chair Jeremy Foster reported the
Committee met with Councilman Mel Franklin, his Chief of Staff and
Nikita Reed on 31 July
2014 in regards to the 20 acres of land being donated to Post 381 by Prince
County’s Park and Planning Commission. The meeting was promising with
the possibility of
issues dealing with the Historical Society and their preference for
Park and Recreation to
improve the grounds of Wilmer’s Park. However the land has not been
tended to for some
time. Post 381 has expressed
interest to put the land to use. Post 381 has expressed the
desire to restore the land and preserve the artifacts and buildings
located on the premises.
The current state of the grounds is as follows: overgrown grass fields,
buildings needs
maintenance, and camp-sight on the property needs up keeping.
Land Report: Commander Fisher urged First Vice Commander Henry Turner
talk to his
management group to provide a proposal to Post 381 as soon as possible,
as Cmdr. Fisher is
willing to front $15,000 in order to begin the business relationship
between the Post and the
management group that will be bringing in sponsors for The Post. Cmdr. Fisher also charged
Service Officer Dan Dorrance to devise a plan for living quarters on
the proposed land as
SMECO representatives has suggested to donate the time and materials to
electricity to the land once Post 381 is awarded the property. First
Vice Cmdr. Turner
advised that the letters which were created for members to request
donations from friends,
families and businesses needs to be tailored to Post 381’s current
sights on the newly
suggested land. It is 1st Vice Cmdr. Turner’s professional
opinion that the Post should hire an
organization to help in raising the large amount of cash needed to
rehabilitate the land. First
Vice Cmdr. Turner is appealing to all to bring in management companies
to vet and compete
for Post 381’s service. Cmdr. Fisher further advised once Phase 1 of
acquisition and
development of land has been accomplished, Post 381’s relationship with
Ms. Reed will be
visited as she has expressed her desire to no longer conduct business
Pro Bono.
New Business:
Commander Fisher requests that everyone should try to attend one of the
District Meetings
and has passed around the scheduled dates for the months leading into
Conmander Fisher is recommending Post 381 meetings be held at his
residence (14313
Brandywine Heights, Brandywine, MD) as Denny Lavallee has sold Denny’s
Place. Cmdr.
Fisher also needs hands in obtaining the remainder of Post 381’s
belongings (flags, flood
lights, Post 381’s signs, etc.) from Denny’s Place. Finance Officer Pam
reached out to Mr. Lavallee (once Post 381 became aware of the selling
of Denny’s Place)
for compensation of work conducted on Denny’s Place by Post 381, while
monthly meetings
were held between 2012-2014 (per the agreement signed by Post 381 and Mr.
and no response has been returned as of yet. Cmdr. Fisher also advised
that the Adopt-A-
Highway signs have not been printed with Denny’s Place as Post 381 Headquarters,
and will
be placed on hold until further notice.
Chris Marshall brought to the table the sponsorship of Post 381 to
Ebenezer AME’s
5k/10/50k Walk, Run, Bike race on 4 Oct 2014. Cmdr. Fisher has
submitted a donation of
$100 on behalf of the Post. MSP
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, September 15, at 7:30pm, at Commander
Fisher’s residence,
14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald
F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post
381 Commander