Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jan MIn.

Small color emblem

Post 381 
January 19, 2015 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:40 pm 
at Post HQ, 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron 

A quorum being met by the following 
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors: 
Ron Fisher                                                                                Dr. Roussan “Rue” Etienne, Jr. 
Pamela Neal-Robinson                                                          Asia Acevedo 
Henry Turner                                                                          Hung Hoang 
Erle Ross                                                                                  Dept. 2nd Vice Cmdr Patricia McCoy 
Bob Ross 
Ian Young 
Felix Colaciello 
Chris Marshall 
Jeremy Foster 
David Billings 
Dan Dorrance 
Robert Bowman 
Marrie Nunn 
Tyronne Eugene 

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall 

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved. 


Treasury Report: Commander Ron Fisher presented the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of 
Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robins. MSP. 

Service Officer’s Report: Marrie Nunn is the Post Service Officer, as Dan Dorrance has 
assumed the Sergeant-at-Arms office. 

Executive Committee Report: Cmdr Fisher introduced Mr. Hung Hoang to talk about the 
plans for introducing an aquaponic farm on the premises of Wilmer’s Park once Post 381 
obtains the property. Mr. Hoang proposed the use of 5-10 acres of Wilmer’s Park to raise 
coy and tilapia. The by-product of the waste of the aquaponic farm will produce fertilizer to 
grow crops such as corn, lettuce, etc. Said crops could be sold (along with the fish) to the 
community, providing additional revenue for Post 381, as well as creating jobs, and 
educating the community on environmental awareness, all the while maintaining a low cost 
to the Post. According to Mr. Hoang’s projection, once the aquaponic farm is self-sufficient 
and is cultivated throughout the year, 1 acre of land would hold 4 greenhouse units and 
produce as much as $1.5 million per year.  

Cmdr Fisher interjected that Parks and Planning would set aside no more than 5 acres for 
the use of aquaponic farming as space is also set aside for the restaurant on site. 

Judge Advocate (JA) Jeremy Foster inquired about FDA regulations to which Mr. Hoang 
advised the aquaponic farm system is 100% organic as the fish food is natural and the 
nitrates produced by the fish waste is natural fertilizer for the plants. 

Second Vice Commander Henry Turner inquired of Mr. Hoang’s experience with aquaponic 
farming. Mr. Hoang replied that he has been raising fish for over 20 years and has recently 
started aquaponic farming within the past 5 years.   

When asked about the initial start-up costs of aquaponic farming, Mr. Hoang anticipates a 
$500,000 investment ($300k to get the farm up and running and $200k for reserves/ 
unforeseen costs) to put 1 unit of the aquaponic farm into operation, and gradually grow to 
5 units on the premises. 

Mr. Hoang is asking Post 381 for the use of the land (5 acres), water availability (for the fish), 
and the marketing to promote the arm and advertisement of the produce to the 

Cmdr Fisher advised that one of the many ways the Post can fund this venture could be 
through federal grants. 

Mr. Hoang went on to say that he would run the aquaponic farm for 1-2 years while training 
one or more apprentices to manage the system and ultimately become the manager of the 

Post member Dr. David Billings made the point that everything that’s being said in the 
meeting about aquaponic farming with Mr. Hoang should be in writing; the Department 
Environmental Resources (DER) should be included in every step of the development of the 
aquaponic farm; taking into consideration there is practically no known regulations for this 
type of farming. 

Mr. Hoang said he does have a business plan ready to present to the Post when the time 
comes to ultimately decide on whether to invest into this business. 

Dr. Roussan “Rue” Etienne, Jr. was introduced as a promoter representing the gospel music 
industry and general talent. He proposes that his company (Rue Marketing International) 
bring talent and events to Wilmer’s Park that will be family oriented at family-friendly 
prices. One means of bringing talent to Wilmer’s Park on a cost-effective basis will be by 
enticing performers to support the veterans. Rue Marketing Int’l provides a variety of 
services based on the needs of the event ranging from supplying the talent for the event to 
hosting the event, including marketing and production. 

Post Member Tyronne Eugene was introduced, representing the FireRoc Entertainment 
Group. Mr. Eugene offered his expertise in the medium of radio to get the message to the 
community about Post 381, including advertising events at Wilmer’s Park to bolster Post 381 
by having an online radio station located at Wilmer’s Park. The Post will have control over 
what to put out to the masses but will need to be creative in how to pull at the 
heartstrings” of the young veterans and active duty service members to feel connected to 
the American Legion. 

Mr. Eugene owns RireRoc Radio, as subsidiary of the FireRoc Entertainment Group, LLC. Mr. 
Eugene desires to start a new radio station that sponsors events and trips in the local area. 
FireRoc Radio will focus on selling sponsorships to local stores/shops within the community 
to advertise their businesses that can’t afford to advertise on the major radio stations. 

Mr. Eugene proposes Post 381 to be the “non-profit” partner in the purchasing of FireRoc 
Radio. FireRoc Radio will broadcast 24 hours a day with DJ’s to cover shifts and is requiring 
of them to bring in advertising and pay up front (a one-time fee) for their time share of their 
show. A percentage of the sponsorships brought in by the DJs will pay for their wages and a 
portion of the revenue collected by FireRoc Radio will be donated to the Post as the “Non- 
Profit Arm”. 

Service Officer (SO) Nunn commented that with FireRoc Radio being an extension of Post 
381, the Post needs assurance that the music and messages broadcasted will represent the 
American Legion and Post 381 in a tasteful manner. SO Nunn also inquired about the 
possibility of FireRoc Radio broadcasting live music shows from Wilmer’s Park and possible 
conflicts between FireRoc Radio and Rue Marketing International. 

Dr. Etienne replied that the underwriting of events will determine the distribution of 
revenue based on the terms and agreements set forth. As long as the verbiage is explicit, 
there should not be an issue. 

When asked for a business plan, Mr. Eugene advised he was working on one but wasn’t 
ready for presentation. 

Dr. Billings wanted to make sure that everything being discussed by Mr. Hoang, Dr. Etienne, 
Mr. Eugene, and Ms. Acebdo be written down on paper so that a sub-committee could 
review the logistics of the agreements between their entities and Post 381, and do research 
whether the unions will be beneficial for the Post. Cmdr Fisher agreed with this concept and 
assigned 2nd Vice Cmdr Turner to lead said sub-committee to vet the business plans that 
would be provided to the Post. 

Ms. Asia Acebedo was introduced next as the “Grants Guru” for Post 381. Ms. Acebedo 
presented to the Post a packet of fundraising opportunities to generate money as soon as 
possible for ground breaking revenue similar to bake sales, such as Post 381 T-shirts, coin 
sales, etc. Ms. Acebedo went over specific organizations (large & small businesses) in the 
local community who are looking to donate to Veterans and yet there’s relatively no 
competition for their patronage. Ms. Acebedo described possible fundraising opportunities 
upon completion of the initial renovation of Wilmer’s Park such as 5-10K runs, movie night 
screeningsand paintball courses on the premises of Wilmer’s Park. Ms. Acebedo is eager to 
post events on social media networks to that the Post can get a wider online audience. 

Cmdr Fisher wanted it to be clear that Ms. Acebedo will report directly to Post 381 
Commander. If he’s unavailable, she’ll reach out to Judge Advocate Foster, as he’s been 
appointed as the Chair of the Grant’s Committee. Ms. Acebedo will work with Mr. Hoang to 
obtain grants for the aquaponic farm. 

Old Business 

Cmdr Fisher advised Wilmer’s Park will be signed over to Post 381 as soon as Thursday, 
January 22, 2015, when the lease is agreed upon by the Post. Cmdr Fisher advised that the 
lease is being drawn up in which the Post would be required to pay rent of $1.00 per month 
for the use of Wilmer’s Park. 

Cmdr Fisher lead the discussion in regards to Park & Planning’s concern with the main 
building on the premises of Wilmer’s Park and the resurrection of the restaurant (taking into 
consideration of the African-American Heritage Preservation Committee’s concerns with the 
dilapidated homes and stage area). Park & Planning would like to see the modernization and 
revitalization of Wilmer’s Park to take priority over anything else. 

Cmdr Fisher addressed JA Foster on the possibility of his contact coming aboard Post 381 to 
provide support in accounting. JA Foster advised that his contact is a possibility, but is not 
CPA certified. Cmdr Fisher said it is not necessary for the person assisting the Post with 
accounting to be a CPA. 

New Business: 

JA Foster followed up the last conversation stating he will be stepping in as 3rd Vice 
Commander concurrent with his role as Judge Advocate. Dennis Lavallee has not been 
attending Post 381 meetings, and after 10 non-excused absences as 3rd Vice Commander, 
Mr. Lavallee’s role as an officer has been relinquished and considered vacant per Post bi- 

For the Good of the Post: Maryland Department Second Vice Commander Patricia McCoy 
wanted it to be known that she is very proud of Post 381 and it’s accomplishments over the 
yearsDept 2nd Vice Cmdr McCoy further stated that the Post is a shining example of what 
the American Legion should be and that slowly but surely the other Posts around the nation 
will advance to where Post 381 is at currently. Post Cmdr Fisher presented Dept 2nd Vice 
Cmdr McCoy a Post 381 license plate as a token of the Post’s appreciation for her 
unwavering support. 

Adjourn: MSP to adjourn. 

Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall. 

Next meeting will be Monday, February 16, 2015, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ, 14313 
Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, Maryland. 

Meeting adjourned at 9:14 pm. 

Respectfully submitted; 

Erle Ross                                                               Ronald F. Fisher 
Post 381 Adjutant                                               Post 381 Commander