Post 381
February 18, 2019
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm at the Post 381 Annex, 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
Officers of Post 381
Commander Ronald Fisher
1st Vice Commander Henry Turner
3rd Vice Commander Tyrone Eugene
Adjutant Erle Ross
Judge Advocate Matthew Reichers
Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robinson
Chaplain Chris Marshall
Service Officer Sherry Miller
Members of Post 381
Aaron Ajani Lynda Hart
Steve Armstrong Jonathan Krupp
David Billings Katelyn Moyers
Noah Call-Boyce Jennifer Syler
Meghan Feerick Robert Ross
Jeremy Foster Ian Young
Fred Harley
Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
Financial Report given by Cdr. Ronald F. Fisher, MSP accepted.
Old Business:
- Wilmer's Park
- The Medco Report has been updated to include bullet points of items we need to know.
- Prior to the Park and Planning Commission meeting, Cdr. Fisher will meet with the State Legislatures to go over proposal and approve.
- Cdr. Fisher will recommend to the State that they take away Wilmer's Park from the Park and Planning Commission.
- Website
- The Adjutant and Sherry to update website to include past and current meeting minutes.
New Business:
- Finance
- Cdr. Fisher spoke with Josh at Edward Jones Investments (EJI). EJI has in interest-bearing checking account. Cdr. Fisher motion to move $3000.00 from general account and open up a new checking account with EJI, motion will be discuss at next meeting.
- Post 381 Annex
- 1st Vice Cdr. Turner to submit paperwork to reactivate the State Bond Bill for $100,000 that didn't get distributed in 2017/2018. A copy of paperwork will be sent to Lynda Hart and Pam Neal-Robinson. Also, Cdr. Fisher ask 1st Vice Cdr. to get Condition of Assessment paperwork.
- Cdr. Fisher spoke to local sports taverns who are interested in leasing the kitchen in the Annex as an extension to their buildings.
- Cdr. Fisher to send out drawings of the building to those who have not seen it. Also, Adjutant Ross discussed the divided porch folding doors and how they are to keep the dividers flat instead of blocking part of a room.
- Marlton Gulf Course
- Last year Novation Enterprises attended one of our meetings and wanted to train veterans who got out of the service and teach them to do cell phone tower installation/maintenance jobs. Novation signed a letter of Intent to use Marlton Gulf Course to install equipment and start classes in about 30 days.
- Wilmer's Park
- Cdr. Fisher asking if anyone knows of a Farmer's Market that could expand to Wilmer's Park. Finance Officer Neal-Robinson and Member Lynda Hart may be able to reach out to some local markets.
- 3rd Vice Cdr. Eugene and Adjutant Ross will reach out to a Solar Panel company and get a portfolio about the benefits of having solar ports.
- Some union are looking to use Wilmer's Park to train soldier/civilians to become crane operators, bulldozers operators and other construction positions.
Benediction was given by Chaplain Marshall
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn at 8:15 pm.
Monday, March 18, 2019 at 7:30pm
Post 381 Annex (Marlton Club House)
9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro,
Erle Ross Ronald
F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post
381 Commander