Post 381
Membership Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2013
The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened
at 7:20 pm at 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander
Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following members
in attendance and excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher Roger Telesford
Henry Turner
Dan Dorrance
David Billings
Chris Marshall
Denny Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Bill Bush
Felix Colaciello
Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
Committee Reports:
Henry Turner ran down the agenda for Jul 15 meeting which included the
discussion of Denny’s Place as an Annex for Post 381 while the location of the
“New Post 381” is in the developing phase. Mr. Turner also advised there will be
a discussion with Denny on July 16 regarding the Post’s obligations and future
partnership of using Denny’s Place.
Commander Fisher brought to the quorums attention the Minutes from June 17
minutes were confirmed to have been approved by quorum which was
seconded and approved by unanimous consent.
Officer Reports:
Commander Fisher then proceeded to discuss the status of Bill Bush’s
participation with Post 381 and advised that all Treasury Responsibilities held
under Mr. Bush was removed and disseminated to Pamela Neal-Robinson;
however Mr. Bush was still considered to be a member until he returns to the
Post to officially resign from the post.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Commander Fisher advising Post 381
received $150 in membership dues to date, and with $1800 being donated by Denny, the grand total of funds for Post 381 to $2,086.00.
There was no Service Officer information to report
There were no Communications to report
Sick Call was given by Commander Fisher regarding Felix who was tending to his
Son, Jimmy; and Bill Bush was tending to his wife as she was going through
serious medical procedures.
Executive Committee Report was given by Henry Turner who advised a Letter of
Intent (LOI) was being drafted and presented to Denny on 16 July, based off of
July’s meeting and approval of members and would be later discussed in detail
during New Business.
Old Business:
Commander Fisher proceeded to discuss email traffic regarding Post 381’s
process in obtaining permits for the Adopt-A-Highway Program with DPAC to
post signs labeled with Post 381’s title and location. Charles Cruelin of the State
Dept. will have a discussion with Cmdr. Fisher on 19 Jul to have people come out
and patch up the roads in front of Post 381 and the relocation of the telephone
pole and electrical wiring. Commander Fisher advised he would pass along the
contact information of Denny with the State Department so that a discussions
and plan to fix the road in front of Denny’s Place and once this has been
accomplished, DPAC will provide Adopt-A-Highway Signs, which needed to be
voted on by members of Post 381 as to what the sign will actually display.
Cmdr. Fisher requested members vote on the title:
“Warffemius-Seidler Post 381
Denny’s Place”
Henry Turner was concerned that Denny’s Place would be considered as an
annex instead of the Post because of the uncertainty of where Post will be
located at in the future.
Mr. Dorrance and Dr. Billings agree that Danny’s Place should be on the sign
indicating that the post is “Located at Denny’s Place”.
Mr. Turner then requested that members of the Post should vote on what
should be considered HQ for Post 381.
Cmdr. Fisher agreed that the issue of the name on the Adopt-A-Highway sign
should be tabled until the August meeting so that the matter of Location of
Post 381 is solidified for a vote and THEN address the name which will be posted
on the Adopt-A-Highway sign. Cmdr Fisher further advised the Adopt-A-
Highway signs will be posted on Brandywine Heights Rd at no cost to the Post.
The motion to Approve the Adopt-A-Highway sign posts was seconded.
Henry Turner began to discuss the future location of Post 381, which is currently
projected to be the Dobson Building located at the corner of Route 5 and
Brandywine Road. Post Attorney Steve Armstrong has received verbal intent
from the mother and sister of Dobson to donate to the Post. However, the
Dobson lawyers are reviewing legal avenues to accomplish the transfer and are
in talks with Steve Armstrong, thus giving Post 381 two locations to convene.
Considering Post 381 is already using Denny’s Place, and it could take a
couple of years before Dobson’s Building will be ready for occupancy by Post
381. Therefore, Mr. Turner poses the question to the members: Should Denny’s
Place be HQ for Post 381 or should it be considered the Annex pre-construction
of the Dobson’s building or post-construction? Should we designate Denny’s
Place as HQ right now and then change it to the Annex when the Dobson
building is ready?
Mr. Turner further advised that an architectural and construction firm is
working with Post 381 on diagrams and concepts to be implemented at Denny’s
Place and have found grants that can be attributed to the rehabilitation progress of Denny’s Place. It is suggested that Nakita Reed, who is head of the
architectural and construction firm be in contact the Post Adjutant to fill out the grants, but a vote by the members of the Post are needed on the location of
Post 381’s HQ.
Mr. Dorrance suggested Denny’s place should be HQ to begin with and a
clause in the Post bi-laws to rename as Annex and at the very least have Officer
meetings held in Denny’s Place once a month.
Mr. Billing suggested tabling the topic until Aug Meeting after discussion of
LOI with Denny’s Place has been solidified, to which Denny Lavellee concurs
with Dr. Billings as there needs to be legal documentation prior to any vote on
Post 381’s designation of HQ and grant submissions presented by third party
Roger Telesford agreed with Dr. Billings and Denny.
Cmdr. Fisher says that his goal is to have both Denny’s Place and the Dobson
property in Post 381’s possession and wants a vote which can be made by
phone to all members per documentation of the minutes.
The tangibility of Danny’s Place as being the HQ for Post 381 is significant
because the Dobson’s building as the “New Post” is not guaranteed according to
Dr. Billings and reaffirmed by Mr. Dorrance and gained unanimous support from the members in attendance; Therefore Henry Turner motioned Denny’s Place
would be considered the Local Post for Post 381 meanwhile looking at future
location (be it the Dobson Building or another location unbeknownst to us at
this time) as the possibility of the National HQ for Post 381 which would be in
the vicinity of Prince George’s County, so Post 381 will maintain both facilities. This motion was seconded and passed (MSP) unanimously.
New Business:
Denny is running a golf tournament and is looking for Post 381 to sponsor and
volunteers from Post 381. Dr. Billings moved to sponsor Denny’s Golf
Tournament. MSP unanimously.
Denny’s Breast Cancer Awareness Event Saturday, July 20, 2013, was brought
to the table. Dr. Billings suggested that the Entertainment Committee be kept
involved in all fund raising events such as Denny’s Breast Cancer Awareness
Event so that proper planning and notification to Post 381 Members can have
ample time and opportunity to participate and advertise such events. Cmdr.
Fisher agreed with Dr. Billings’ assessment and proposed that an exception
should be made for Denny’s upcoming events by conducting a phone/email vote
on the Awareness Event to be assisted by Post 381 volunteers as the events
would be taking place before the Aug Meeting. MSP.
After the vote took place, a motion was made and carried to the August membership meeting to include this in bylaws.
A motion was made by Dr. Billings and seconded to revise the bi-laws to create a standing committee called the Entertainment Committee, and said committee will be responsible to ensure appropriate dissemination of upcoming events and recruiting volunteers for same.
Per bi-law requirements, this is the first reading of the motion. The second
reading and voting will occur during the August meeting.
July 25, 2013 will be Ribs Night at Denny’s Place to raise money for the post.
Cmdr. Fisher urged members to assist Denny for the Rib Night.
The Air Force Sergeant’s Association, representing Bollins AFB, Andrews AFB,
& the Pentagon with over 2000 members and VFW event was attended by Ron
Fisher, Erle Ross, Dan Dorrance, and Henry Turner. The AFSA has been eager
and willing to support the Post. They have a weekly periodical distributed to the
Airmen and want to mention our Post in the periodical. They’ve donated time
and efforts to fix Denny’s Place in the past and are eager to assist the Post in the
future and be Partners. They’ve asked the Post 381 to participate in the
National Capital Regions Local Air Force Sergeant’s Association Top 3, Non
Commissioned Officer (NCO) Induction Ceremony, and donate $150. Mr.
Dorrance made a motion to donate $150 and MSP with no objections.
Commander Fisher is adding Mr. Dorrance as an alternate to sign checks from
Post 381 to charitable events, in the case were Cmdr. Fisher and Pamela Neal-
Robinson are unable to sign for checks then Mr. Dorrance will be able to sign on
the Post’s behalf.
No further New Business was addressed.
New Member Roger Telesford will be leaving for college in New York before the
August Meeting and will be participating in Post activities from afar.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, Aug 19, at 7:30pm, at the Local Post 381 HQ at
Denny’s Place.
Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted;
/signed Erle M. Ross for /signed/
Chris Marshall Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Chaplain, Adjutant pro-tem Post 381 Commander