Post 381
Membership Meeting Minutes
August 19, 2013
The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:37pm at 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance and excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Dan Dorrance
David Billings
Chris Marshall
Denny Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Roger Telesford
Erle Ross
Bill Bush
Felix Colaciello
Ian Young
Convocation was given by Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
MSP to approve the minutes from July 15.
Committee Reports:
Financial Report was given by Cdr Fisher, stating the Financial Officer was
enroute but delayed in traffic.
MSP to reimburse Cdr Fisher $226.00 to incorporate the Post with the State of
MSP to correct the amount to reimburse Cdr to $262.00.
Dr. Billings recommended having the Finance Officer or her designee give the
report, and not have an impromptu report. MSP to table the Financial Report until the
Financial Officer can personally present the Report.
Sick Call
Post Historian Felix Colaciello’s son, Jimmy passed away last week. Please sign a
sympathy card before leaving.
Felix’s wife just returned home from hip surgery.
Post member Bill Bush’s wife is scheduled for a procedure on her legs which
could potentially lead to amputation.
Cdr Fisher commended Post members Dan Dorrance, Chris Marshall, Erle Ross,
and Auxillary ( commander ) Casey Fisher for visiting Jimmy Colaciello and Karen
Colaciello during their recent hospital stays. During the visit, Dan and Ron presented
Jimmy with military coins, which were later buried with Jimmy. Cdr Fisher talked about
being with Jimmy when he passed, and how so many members reached out to the
Cdr Fisher suggested we continue this outreach including visiting Mrs. Bush
when she returns from her surgery.
Executive Committee
Cdr Fisher reported the previous Letter of Intent (LoI) was reject by Denny’s
Place owner, Denny Lavallee, and was rewritten and presented to the Post for review.
Denny suggested adding his commitment that if he sells the property to Post 381, the
selling price will be $390,000.00. MSP to accept his offer.
Dr. Billings suggested the wording in point 3 of the LoI to read “…to the extent
the property appraises above $390,000.00”.
Dr. Billings also recommend that a signee to the LoI should be the Adjutant, as
well as the Exploratory Committee Chairman; as well as the Post office Denny Lavallee
holds, along with his designation as owner of Denny’s Place.
MSP to accept these recommendations and sign the LoI into effect.
Officer Reports:
Commander Fisher reported the first phase of the Exploratory Committee is
complete, and they will continue to work on the Dr. Dobson property.
Commander Fisher had established a “Renovation Committee” and asked Dr.
Billings to Chair, Dan Dorrance to be the assistant chair, and Jeremy Foster to be a
member of that committee, to which they all accepted. Third Vice-Commander Denny
Lavallee will serve as liaison between the committee and owner of Denny’s Place.
The State Highway Department will print they Adopt-a-Highway sign anyway we
want it, and suggested it read:
The American Legion
Warffemius-Seidler Post 381
Located at Denny’s Place
MSP to accept this signage.
Denny will get a call to have the parking lot renovated.
In addition, the utility pole will be moved at no charge, but Denny will need to
show the utility department where to place it.
Denny’s Golf Tournament; the Post will get food to cook during the event.
Cdr Fisher directed the Adjutant to send the golf tournament information to
Department Assistant Adjutant for dissemination throughout the state.
Adjutant Erle Ross distributed flyers concerning events taking place in other
Posts and the VA Clinic in Ft. Meade.
New Business:
Adjutant Erle Ross presented 3 bills for payment; $60 for delegates at the recent
Convention; $50 for Prince George’s County Commission dues; $25 for Southern
Maryland District dues. MSP to pay all three bills.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, September 16, at 7:30pm, at the Local Post 381 HQ at
Denny’s Place.
Meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.
Respectfully submitted;
/signed/ /signed/
Erle M. Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander