Post 381
Membership Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2013
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at
7:34pm at 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance and excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher Casey Fisher
Henry Turner
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Dan Dorrance
Chris Marshall
Denny Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Invocation was given by Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
MSP to approve the minutes from August 19.
Committee Reports:
Financial Report was given by Jeremy Foster, stating the Post deposited $260
($160 in checks and $100 in cash) for membership dues on Aug 19, bringing the
Posts total balance to $2500, and having everyone’s memberships dues paid in full.
Sick Call
Dr. Billings was dealing with the passing of a family member.
Post Historian Felix Colaciello’s wife is recovering from hip surgery.
Renovation Committee
Dan Dorrance, Dr. Billings and Erle Ross met with Encore Sustainable Designs and
the following topics were addressed at the meeting:
-The main room of the Post would have an officer’s table and POW table/chair set aside
that could be visible during video conferencing.
-It was recommended that 35-45 chairs for membership and the necessary number of
narrow tables would suffice.
-A separate office for the commander and adjutant as well as smaller storage rooms was
-The Lounge should have easy type chairs (no sofas); big screen TV, a circular table for
card games, and a handicap accessible shower in bathroom was proposed.
-Discussed was also the capability to move the chairs from the main room and stacking
them so that cots can be placed for vets sleeping overnight.
-It was also discussed that a Handicap accessible elevator (which would be manually
operated on the side of Denny’s Place) would be added as well as a balcony on the
second floor in the back of Denny’s place, which would be the main entrance to the Post
(stairs leading up to the balcony would be included as well). Stairway from the kitchen
leading to the inside entrance to the post will not be open for use, as the doorway will
be locked and secured (from both sides), so that one point of entrance and exit is
established through the balcony.
-Upon review of the state of Denny’s bar area on the first floor, the decision was made
not to renovate the main floor of Denny’s Place as the Bar room and two bathrooms on
the floor was not handicap accessible and additional funds would be needed to
renovate the whole first floor to bring it up to code, if any upgrades were accomplished.
Furthermore, the committee decided that keeping the front of Denny’s place the same
would preserve the historical value of the Post.
-The Kitchen on bottom floor would be updated with the new Post equipment.
-A Storage shed to hold equipment of the Post would be placed in the back of Denny’s
-Renovating the grounds would include 4-5 RV pads.
-It was recommended that a portable 50-person Pavilion (approx 50 feet away from
Denny’s Place) would be used as a Banquet Hall to be used for birthday parties and
things like that; anything larger would require infrastructure to be a solid foundation.
-It was determined that re-facing Denny’s place would include either a “log cabin” look
or a stone face stucco which would mirror what buildings/offices in the area currently
look like.
-Central Air was recommended instead of window units which will bring AC to
-Videoconferencing and computer terminals were also addressed.
-A small refrigerator and microwave for snacks were also addressed.
Cmdr Fisher advised that drawings will be created within the week to illustrate the
new look, and the funds for the projects would come from donations and grants;
The roof is the only item of Denny’s place to which the Post was funding for repairs.
Cmdr Fisher advised that Connie Boswell approved of the post to have
permits to shoot rounds at targets (“Turkey Shoots”) on the premises of the Post.
Outreach Program addressed by Pam Robinson-Neal:
-Cmdr Fisher briefed Post 381 on recent trips that he, Adjutant Erle Ross, and Service
Officer Dan Dorrance had visited Pam at Oak Hill in Laurel, MD. The Post was asked to
help clean up the facilities a couple of weeks ago, but logistics from the facility fell
through. The Post is requesting of volunteers to mentor the kids. Andrews AFB advised
they will have airmen available to assist.
Pam advised that the students (between 13-18 yrs of age) come from within D.C.
who have dropped out of high school and are looking to obtain a GED along with a skill
or trade, and a plan for higher/learning to graduate from the program; funded by
Federal Grants and DC funds. Counselors/Teachers at the facility are certified. Mentors
are required to have a background check and go through training (approximately 72
The initial Director of the Program who was talking with the Post through Pam is
possibly stepping down. Cmdr. Fisher is trying to get in touch with the interim
Director to reestablish a rapport so that Post 381 can be involved.
Old Business:
Letter of Intent was signed and documented by 1st Vice Cmdr Turner;
Submission of paperwork for Post 381 signs with Adopt-A-Highway is currently in
The question of where the price of Denny’s Place ($390,000.00) was posed and 1st
Vice Cmdr Turner advised that was Denny’s asking price for Denny’s Place and the 5
acres of land that goes with it. After the Post renovates Denny’s place, if Denny decides
to sell to the Post, the Post has the option to buy at $390,000. If Denny were to sell
above the asking price of $390,000, a part of the profits equal to the amount of the
renovations will be given back to Post 381. If the property appraises for less than
$390,000, the post is not obligated to buy the property, however if the Post does decide
to purchase the property, regardless of the appraisal, Post 381 would still buy at asking
price of $390,000.
New Business:
Raffle Tickets for 32” flat screen TV for Denny’s Golf Tournament are on sale for
-The Auxiliary (which was addressed by Casey Fisher) would be donating 4 dinners from
Schwans to be raffled away at the Golf Tourney as well.
-Noah’s Grocery donated $ 400 worth of food; Mama Mia $100 worth of food; Schwans
$200 worth of donations; Crystal Water is donating 10 cases of water – All for the
-Dr. Billings received a $700 donation from a contributor to the Golf Tournament.
-Commander distributed tickets to members to sell.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, October 21, at 7:30pm, at the Local Post 381 HQ at
Denny’s Place.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle M. Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander