Post 381
Proposed Minutes
October 21, 2013
The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absence: Visitors:
Ron Fisher District Commander Gary Gifford
Henry Turner
Dan Dorrance
Chris Marshall
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Christ Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall
Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved with corrections (see Post web site).
Financial Report MSP to table until the November meeting.
Renovation Committee: Nikita Reid of Encore Sustainable Designs inspected Denny’s Place; Renovating
Denny’s Place could cost approximately $500K; however building a new, one-level, state of the art
infrastructure from the ground up (with a $20K buffer) would only cost the $380K (which includes the
renovated kitchen, keeping the American Legion separate from Denny’s Place). Currently the kitchen is
projected to be updated within the following weeks. Dr. Billings insisted that Mrs. Reid keep in contact
with the Renovation Committee (via email) so that plans, projections, and costs are well documented.
Old Business:
Commander Fisher reported that the Adopt-A-Highway has been approved and a sign will be up
within the coming weeks.
Post 381’s association with Boy Scouts of America has been put on hold due to the Boy Scouts in the
Brandywine area’s prior affiliation with Post 227.
New Business:
Bob Ross, President of Prince George’s County of NAACP, is excited about the partnership between
the youth of the county and Post 381’s involvement with disabled veterans and promotion of assistance
to veterans related to Post 381’s website linked with the NAACP’s website.
Commander Fisher introduced District Commander Gary Gifford as the discussion of the direction of
Post 381. Commander Gifford advised that numerous community service activities are great for the
Post; however more attention should be paid towards building up the number of members within the
Dr. Billings inquired as to whether or not there was a list of veterans in the area that Post 381 could
ascertain. Cmdr. Gifford advised that AmericanLegion.org has a list of active and inactive Legionnaires.
Ian wants to know if there’s a list of Vets who has separated from the forces and has not participated in
any Legion Post. Dr. Billings was aware of such a list but research was needed to obtain the source and
use of the list. Cmdr. Gifford followed up the conversation by suggesting Legionnaires could post up at
the commissary to inquire patrons of Legion affiliations (if any).
Chaplain Marshall motioned to support Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church in their
endeavor to provide the homeless vets with toiletries and underwear. A collection box would be placed
in Denny’s Place for patrons to donate supplies. MSP
Steve Armstrong has $700 to be put towards the rebuilding of Denny’s Place’s roof.
Commander Fisher reached out to Sydney Harrison who is reaching out to contacts within real-estate
to help support Post 381 in Upper Marlboro.
Post 381 has received permission to receive donations and recruit at the HH Gregg in Waldorf and
Noah’s grocery store in Clinton.
Membership Committee is led by Mr. Turner who will be charged with recruiting along with the help of Dennis LaVellee and Bob Ross.
Commander Fisher reminded Post 381 of being a recipient of a Commander’s coin when you sign up 3 new members to the post.
Commander Fisher advised that there’s a competition for best designed website for American Legion
Posts with the grand prize offer of $4000 and Cmdr. Fisher would like Post 381 to enter into the
The Post has received “The Cube” which is an apparatus for a smart phone that can swipe credit cards
for purchases and or donations.
Question was posed to District Commander Gifford to see if Post 381 could intervene with the up and
coming Auxiliary who is not happy with the President of Auxiliary and the requirements to officially
become an official Auxiliary. Cmdr Gifford informed that the American Legion could not do much as far
as intervening within Auxiliary matters.
District Commander Gifford was given the floor to discuss National American Legion issues. Cmdr
Gifford stressed the importance of retaining members and being vigilant with recruiting new members
especially members who are active duty. Cmdr Gifford forewarned Post 381 to be mindful of
membership renewal due dates for the purpose of being eligible for national awards.
MSP to adjourn.
Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall
Next meeting will be November 18, at 7:30pm, at Denny’s Place.
Meeting adjourned at 9:18pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander