Sunday, November 30, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
October 20, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:48 pm
at 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Henry Turner
Erle Ross
Bob Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved as is.


     Treasury: Per response from Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robinson, First Vice
Commander Henry Turner gave the report. MSP.

     Sick Call/Chaplin’s Report: Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robinson’s Father is recovering from major surgery. A Card will be sent FO Neal on behalf of the Post. MSP.

Old Business:

Jeremy Foster advised that on Monday 6 Oct 2014, there was a meeting with The Southern Maryland District (SMD) along with Nikita Reed to obtain approval for Post 381 to go forward with the acquisition of property of Wilmer’s Park. There was confusion on SMD’s position as they were assuming the meeting was for the purpose of Post 381 presenting to SMD was to sign off on the lease of the property in which Post 381 has not obtained.  According to the SMD, Post 381 did not need to go through them for approval, as far as they were concerned, but once we have the lease agreement in hand, they would be ready to sign.  According to Nikita, the major point of the meeting was not simply for their approval of the lease, but for SMD to show their support of the Post and of the American Legion as whole before going to Park and Planning. Right now the Grounds Committee is in the process of setting dates to meet with Park and Planning within the next two weeks so that they can be caught up to speed. According to Nikita, Park and Planning is receptive to the idea of the Post obtaining the property and eager to hear the ideas the Post has in store for Wilmer’s Park. First Vice Henry Turner added that once all is said and done, all hands are needed by the Post to restore and manicure the grounds. Once the lease is in the Post’s possession it will be presented to the District, then to the State, and from the State to National.

Commander Fisher advised that the Post will be receiving another shipment of coins as the manufacturer has dropped the price to $3 per coin and urges everyone to advertise the sell of the Post’s Commander’s Coin. Cmdr Fisher further advised that with the date of acquiring Wilmer’s Park looming closer and closer, the Post should begin sending out letters of appreciation to the businesses and politicians who supported Post 381 in the endeavor of acquiring property.

New Business:

Commander Fisher submitted a design of the Post 381 License plate with the Post’s logo and Eagle on the metallic plate. MSP Unanimously

First Vice Commander Turner further advised that the Post would like to sell the license plates which costs $5 to make and suggests that the plates should sell for $15. MSP Unanimously

Commander Fisher has received message from Pam Neal-Robinson requesting help out with yard work at her home while she tends to her ailing Father. Cmdr Fisher has requested members to help out a fellow legionnaire in need.

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday, November 17, 2014, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD.

Meeting adjourned at 9:21 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                          Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Sept MIns

Small color emblem

Post 381
September 15, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:37 pm
at 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Henry Turner
Erle Ross
Bob Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved as is.


Treasury Report postponed until October’s meeting. MSP

Sick Call/Chaplins Report: Pamela Neal-Robinson is recovering from surgery.

Old Business:

Commander Fisher advised that Nikita Reed has prepared sample support letters endorsing
Post 381 in obtaining Wilmer’s Park that are to be addressed to the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ronnie Gathers. Cmdr Fisher further advised that the process of acquiring
Wilmer’s Park is still moving positively in the Post’s favor.

First Vice Commander Henry Turner discussed with Denny Lavelle, on behalf of Post 381, to
have the Post’s signs displayed and equipment remain at Denny’s Place for the remainder of
the tax year.

According to Cmdr Fisher, money donated through Paypal is accounted for through Paypal.
As soon as the post needs it to be released into the Post’s bank account, Paypal will do so
for a nominal fee.

Cmdr Fisher advised he would have the check to donate, on behalf of Post 381 to Ebenezer
AME’s 5k/10/50k Walk, Run, Bike race on 4 Oct 2014, no later than 24 Sep 2014.

New Business:

County Executive Rue Shon has invited Post 381 to attend Comedy event at Denny’s Place
on September 19, and is open for all members.

Membership Renewals are due. Cmdr Fisher ensured that all members are up to date with
their membership and requested that if any members do need to pay, they need to do so as
soon as possible.

First Vice Commander Turner announced that he has accepted the role by the county to be
a consultant in the setup of a Veteran Affairs Office for Prince George’s County during the
next 3 months to put together the rationale, structure, and look at the things the Veteran
Community would like to accomplish in the VA Office by setting up discussion/focus groups
for the Northern, Central, and Southern portions of the County.  Mr. Turner further asks
Post 381 for its support to setup a focus group for the Southern portion of Prince George’s

Cmdr Fisher moved that Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 support Henry Turner in his consulting
efforts for Prince George’s County and the State of Maryland on behalf of Veterans. The
Post will write a letter of endorsement officially supporting Mr. Turner. MSP.

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be October 20, 2014, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at 14313 Brandywine
Heights Road, Brandywine, MD.

Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
August 18, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:38 pm
at 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Erle Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from 21 Jul 2014, are to be amended in regards to the Grounds Committee Report
changing the word “support” to “assistance” referring to the presentation of the Certificate
of Recognition and Commander’s Coin. MSP


Treasury Report: Finance Officer (FO) Pam Neal-Robinson presented the bank balances.
Paypal donations are not being direct deposited to the bank and FO Neal will be looking into
the issue. Commander Fisher has selected Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster to be added to the
Paypal account with FO Neal as back up. MSP

Commander’s Report: Commander Fisher wanted to reiterate the point that Post 381s bi-
laws clearly states that only 5 members are needed to make a quorum. This point was to be
made clear as one of the American Legion Posts in MD are having issues with quorums not
being met for their monthly meetings.

Grounds Committee Report: Committee Chair Jeremy Foster reported the Grounds
Committee met with Councilman Mel Franklin, his Chief of Staff and Nikita Reed on 31 July
2014 in regards to the 20 acres of land being donated to Post 381 by Prince George’s
County’s Park and Planning Commission. The meeting was promising with the possibility of
issues dealing with the Historical Society and their preference for Park and Recreation to
improve the grounds of Wilmer’s Park. However the land has not been tended to for some
time.  Post 381 has expressed interest to put the land to use. Post 381 has expressed the
desire to restore the land and preserve the artifacts and buildings located on the premises.
The current state of the grounds is as follows: overgrown grass fields, buildings needs
maintenance, and camp-sight on the property needs up keeping.

Land Report: Commander Fisher urged First Vice Commander Henry Turner talk to his
management group to provide a proposal to Post 381 as soon as possible, as Cmdr. Fisher is
willing to front $15,000 in order to begin the business relationship between the Post and the
management group that will be bringing in sponsors for The Post.  Cmdr. Fisher also charged
Service Officer Dan Dorrance to devise a plan for living quarters on the proposed land as
SMECO representatives has suggested to donate the time and materials to bringing
electricity to the land once Post 381 is awarded the property. First Vice Cmdr. Turner
advised that the letters which were created for members to request donations from friends,
families and businesses needs to be tailored to Post 381’s current sights on the newly
suggested land. It is 1st Vice Cmdr. Turner’s professional opinion that the Post should hire an
organization to help in raising the large amount of cash needed to rehabilitate the land. First
Vice Cmdr. Turner is appealing to all to bring in management companies to vet and compete
for Post 381’s service. Cmdr. Fisher further advised once Phase 1 of acquisition and
development of land has been accomplished, Post 381’s relationship with Ms. Reed will be
visited as she has expressed her desire to no longer conduct business Pro Bono.

New Business:

Commander Fisher requests that everyone should try to attend one of the District Meetings
and has passed around the scheduled dates for the months leading into 2015.

Conmander Fisher is recommending Post 381 meetings be held at his residence (14313
Brandywine Heights, Brandywine, MD) as Denny Lavallee has sold Denny’s Place. Cmdr.
Fisher also needs hands in obtaining the remainder of Post 381’s belongings (flags, flood
lights, Post 381’s signs, etc.) from Denny’s Place. Finance Officer Pam Neal-Robinson
reached out to Mr. Lavallee (once Post 381 became aware of the selling of Denny’s Place)
for compensation of work conducted on Denny’s Place by Post 381, while monthly meetings
were held between 2012-2014 (per the agreement signed by Post 381 and Mr. Lavallee),
and no response has been returned as of yet. Cmdr. Fisher also advised that the Adopt-A-
Highway signs have not been printed with Denny’s Place as Post 381 Headquarters, and will
be placed on hold until further notice.

Chris Marshall brought to the table the sponsorship of Post 381 to Ebenezer AME’s
5k/10/50k Walk, Run, Bike race on 4 Oct 2014. Cmdr. Fisher has submitted a donation of
$100 on behalf of the Post. MSP

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday, September 15, at 7:30pm, at Commander Fisher’s residence,
14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                          Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Monday, September 1, 2014

July 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
July 21, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:45 pm
at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                    Casey Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Erle Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.


Treasury Report: Finance Officer Pam Neal-Robinson advised two deposits were made,
totaling $200 for the current month. Two checks were received (one for $70.00 and the
other for $25) after the posting of the final balance, and which will be deposited no later
than Jul 26th. MSP

Grounds Committee Report: Jeremy Foster reported the Grounds Committee will meet with
Councilman Mel Franklin and Staff on July 31 to present them with a Certificate of
Recognition and Commander’s Coin for their support in providing the 20 acres of land being
donated to Post 381 by PGC’s Park and Planning Commission. The additional acres will allow
Post 381 to host Turkey Shoots prior to construction of the new post.

Community Committee Report: Chair Pam Neal-Robinson spoke with Mrs. D. Knight, Troop
Leader of local Girl Scout Troop 6202, of which Post 381 is sponsoring. Currently Troop 6202
are members of the Kid’s Club of Waldorf (a non-profit organization affiliated to the Girl
Scouts of America). Mrs. Knight is requesting of Post 381’s assistance in fundraising events
separate from the sponsored fundraising events by the Kid’s Club of Waldorf in order to
bring more revenue to Troop 6202. Mrs. Knight is asking if Post 381 would allow them to
fundraise in the next available Post 381 event to which there would be less restrictions as
far as monies received in a Post 381 sponsored event rather than in a Kid’s Club of Waldorf
sponsored event. Troop 6202 is expecting to attend the August 24 Charles County
Community event led by Post 381’s very own Pam Neal-Robinson. Post 381 has already
planned to donate the use of the moon bounce and support to the community attending
this event. If Post 381 allows Troop 6202 to fundraise under the provision of Post 381 as a
non-profit organization, revenue received will be distributed amongst Post 381 and Troop
6202 only (terms of the distribution of funds and real estate at the event will be determined
at a later date). Motion was made for Post 381 to adopt Troop 6202 as their non-profit
organization to fundraise on the 24 Aug 2014 Community Event with Post 381. MSP

The issue of profits distributed between Post 381 and any other entity jointly fundraising at
events will be tabled until the following meeting to further discuss the idea of
“cost+percentage”, meaning that distribution of funds between Post 381 and the other
entity would take into consideration the cost of the product being sold, the distribution of
the profit based on a percentage of the labor conducted by both entities (in which case the
percentage will be negotiable for each event), and the size of the event that’s hosting the

Land Report: First Vice Commander Henry Turner will be providing a proposal from his
management group to Post 381 by 31 Jul 2014, in order to understand what Mr. Turner’s
company can do for Post 381 as far as finding contractors to support the building of
infrastructures of Post 381, but the Post must also do its due diligence in exploring other
management groups in the local area to compete for Post 381’s business. Commander
Fisher has charged Robert Bowman and Dr. Billings to provide, in writing, guidelines to
Prince George’s County (PGC) Park and Planning of how Post 381 will be able to obtain PGC
businesses (primarily) to be a part of the building Post 381. Mr. Turner’s proposal will be
along the same lines as far as the message is concerned, but it will be from the perspective
of Mr. Turner’s business.  Commander Fisher asked Robert to take the lead on this project in
the vetting of competing management companies when Post 381 is ready to take on bids.

New Business:

Commander Fisher advised that The American Legion is on the verge of changing their
policies regarding Korean War Veterans who are being excluded from joining the Legion.
Commander has requested of Dan Dorrance to be a part of the committee of delegates
(along with Commander Fisher and Robert Bowman) to be able to vote on the matter.

Commander Fisher announced Robert “Rob” Bowman as the newest member of Post 381,
to which Rob notified the Post that the Navy’s 1st Petty Chief Officer Association is having a
meeting at the National Harbor on 25 Jul 2014 at 0900hrs at the O&I Building, to which Rob
will be talking about the vision of Post 381 and the use of the American Legion to benefit the
Active Duty Members, in order to draw in new Active Duty Membership.

New Commemorative Coins (Post 381 Coin and Commander’s Coin) have come in.
Commander Fisher presented Casey Fisher with the Commander’s Coin for her support and
development of the Auxiliary. Commander Fisher also presented Pam Neal-Robinson with a
Commander’s Coin for her service with the Post.  Commander Fisher will also present Ellen
Foster of Enterprise Rent-A-Car with a Commander’s Coin, who introduced Post 381 to Girl
Scout’s Troop 6202 and has donated $300 to Post 381, at a later date.

Commander Fisher took a vote of the cost of the Post 381 coins and based on the number of
votes of those present at the meeting, the coins will be sold for $10.

Report for the Good of the Post:
Commander Fisher read the April 13, 2014 article from the Colorado Springs Gazette, which
interviewed Commander Fisher, 1st Vice Commander Turner, and former 2nd Vice
Commander Bryan Hoover about honoring Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler by naming Post

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday,  August 18, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                          Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Monday, July 14, 2014

June 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
June 16, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:56 pm
At the home of Post Commander Ron Fisher, 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine,
MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                                Nakita Reed
Henry Turner                                                                           Sylvester Olhere
Dan Dorrance                                                                          Tim Olypona
Chris Marshall                                                                         Aung Hoang
Pamela Neal-Robinson                                                          Casey Fisher
Erle Ross
David Billings
Gary Wells

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved with corrections. MSP.

Cmdr Fisher moved that the Finance Report be postponed until the next meeting. MSP

Cmdr Fisher presented a letter of endorsement from State Senator Mike Mills, and will post
the letter on the Post website.

Cmdr Fisher moved to dispense with normal business and go straight to the presentation
from the visitors. MSP.

Sylverster Olhere, Aung Hoang , and Tim Olypona introduced themselves and how they are
supporting the American Legion and Post 381, and how the Post can support their interests.
Mr. Olhere is looking for a large building that could be rented for various needs by a local
group of immigrants from Nigeria; Mr. Hoang has developed a hypoponic process that can
mutually draw people to our facility.

Nakita Reed, representing Encore Sustainable Design, using Power-Point slides presented a
timeline and how the process works from obtaining property to the opening of a facility to
meet our requirements. This included how her organization would bring into the process a
general contractor; government entities such as the County zoning board and the State Park
and Planning Department (M-NCPPC) ; work with the Post’s Building Committee to develop
our requirements; how and when financial goals need to be met; how and who will make
contractual agreements, among others.

Members made statements and asked questions during the presentation. The process will
Be pretty much the same whether we move forward with the Dr. Dobson property, the 88 acre Wilmer Park, or another piece of property not yet identified.

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be July 21, 2014, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

May 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
May 19, 2014 (approved)

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:40 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Dan Dorrance
Ian Young
Robert Bowman

New Member, Robert Bowman, was introduced.

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved with the following correction: Noah’s Market’s new owner was donating 4 cases of ribs to Post 381.

New Business: Pam Neal-Robinson, Erle Ross, Ron Fisher and Steve Armstrong, agreed to
the transition of duties of Finance Officer from Bill Gash to Pam Neal-Robinson (via email).

First Vice Cmdr Henry Turner motioned that all other officer positions within the Post should
remain with the incumbent officers except for Pam Neal-Robinson who would take the
position of Finance Officer from Bill Gash for the next year. MSP (6 present for vote, 3 votes
given by email).

Cmdr Fisher advised he was in discussion with a coin maker that would produce the
Commander’s Coin and commemorative coins that could be purchased via Post 381’s website and would give the Post a discount for advertisement of their business on the Post’s page. Cmdr Fisher advised he was purchasing coins out of his pocket.

Cmdr Fisher exhibited Post 381 brick samples for the quorum to decide on whether clay or
concrete should be purchased to sell on the Post’s website. The cost per brick would be $17
per brick (which includes the shipping and Post 381’s Logo on the brick). Purchasers of the
bricks will be able to put whatever they want on the bricks (names, medals [with proof],
rank, etc.). With the purchase of 200 bricks by Post 381, the supplier will donate a memorial
rock (6’x6’) to Post 381 with the charter member’s names on the side of the rock.

Councilman Mel Franklin will be meeting with Cmdr Fisher, Pam Neal-Robinson, and Bob
Ross in June for endorsement of the Post in obtaining 88 acres for property.

Bob Ross is meeting with Mike Miller on 20 May 2014, to sign the Letter of Endorsement.

1st Vice Cmdr Henry Turner is reaching out to Lt. Governor Brown in a final attempt to set up
a meeting to discuss concerns of Post 381’s and Veterans’ issues by Friday, 23 May 2014.
The Chairman of Lt. Governor’s Campaign assured Vice Cmdr Turner he would be able to
have a 15-30 min meeting with the Lt. Governor however a date had not been set. Vice
Cmdr Turner will attempt to contact the Lt. Governor one last time to confirm a meeting
date, otherwise a more boisterous approach will need to be made so that Post 381’s
concerns are heard before the June 24 elections take place.

First Vice Cmdr Turner provided drafts of letters addressed to donators and suggestions by
the quorum were used to amend the letters. One of the letters would be signed the Cmdr
and 1st Vice Cmdr of Post 381. The other letter will be signed by the Cmdr, 1st Vice Cmdr, and
President of the Prince George’s County NAACP chapter. The purpose behind the two letters
is based on the demographics to which the Post is trying to receive donations. The letters
break down dollar amounts to which the Post is requesting from donators and the gifts of
appreciation associated to the dollar amount donated to the Post. Robert Bowman made a
motion to approve the letters with corrections and distribute amongst the members of the
Post. MSP

On the issue of donations, Cmdr Fisher advised that any member of the Post that helps raise
money for the Post will receive 8% of the amount donated to the Post. As far as Nikita Reed
obtaining grant money for the Post, her company will also receive 8% of the money awarded
to the Post as an incentive to her company continuing their proactive attempts to raise
money. First Vice Cmdr Turner further advised Nikita’s company would be obligated to
receive the payment of $1000 for services rendered already to Post 381, but they would not
receive any other form of payment from Post 381 unless the Post receives money from
grants and/or fundraising campaign and all awarded funds to Nikita’s company (ie. 8%) will
be given AFTER the development of the new Post. In turn Cmdr Fisher advised as
Commander he would not be receiving any percentage of donations for concerns of conflict
in interest (especially as being owner of Ron’s Mobile Service).

Cmdr Fisher clarified that all checks written by Post 381 have to be endorsed by any two of
these three Officers of the Post; The Commander, the Finance Officer, or Judge Advocate. He also reiterated that if a member of the Post receives a check in their name to donate to Post 381, he/she may not sign the check on behalf of the Post to deposit.

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday, June 16, 2014, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 9:02.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Monday, May 19, 2014

April 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
April 21, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Chris Marshall
Dennis LaVallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Pamela Neal-Robinson
David Billings

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.


The financial report was present by Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robinson, which included
the final payment for repairs to the roof of Denny’s Place. MSP to accept the report.

Old Business:

1st Vice Commander Henry Turner advised Denny the Post’s website has PayPal and more
pictures of the Post and the members included. It’s urged of the members to provide Vice
Cmdr Turner or Cmdr Fisher pictures of members in uniform to post on the website in JPEG
files (not in pdf format).  The website was redesigned for the purpose of attracting new
viewer’s to support the Post through donations. Vice Cmdr Turner is challenging the Post
Members to maintain the website on a daily basis.

Commander Fisher reported that Ron’s Mobile Service donated $900 to the Post for website
maintenance. Cmdr Fisher advised that David Craig, Hartford County Executive, is working
with Denny on the taxes of Denny’s Place, to which there’s a big push by Cmdr Fisher to
spread the news about the Denny’s Golf Tournament in June. Noah’s Market has donated
ribs to Post 381 to be sold every Friday Night at Denny’s Place. Denny is taking donations of
items to be raffled.

On the purchasing of Denny’s Place, Cmdr Fisher advised that once Denny’s Place is bought
by Post 381, the Post would lose 200ft of the property; while meeting with Nikita, she
advised that only 2 acres of Denny’s property is commercial.
On Friday, April 18th, Councilman Mel Franklin of District Nine presented a letter of
endorsement of Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 and is very supportive in securing millions of
dollars to be put towards the development of Post 381. The audience in attendance for the
presentation consisted of Southern Maryland District 3rd Vice Commander Pat McCoy, Post
First Vice Cmdr Henry Turner, NAACP PG County Member Bob Ross, Warffemius family
members, Seidler family members, Command Sgt Major (Ret.) Pamela Robinson, Roussan
Ettiene (Founder of Zoe Foundation), Rich Dampen (Enterprise Rental Car Sponsor), Nakita
Reed (EnCore Design), Marc Tyler (Community Supervision Manager), Eric Bowman, Sidney
Harrison, Dewanna Knight (Girl Scout Troop Leader of Troop 6202), A1C Alicia Jones, Clinton
Cycle Representative Bill Gash, Southland Restoration Representative T.J. (last name
unknown), Post 381 Charter Members Steve Armstrong (Attorney at Law) and Dr. David
Billings, Cmdr. Fisher suggests that a letter of appreciation should be sent to the guests who
attended the ceremony.

In regards to the Golf Tournament Denny advised that the tournament needs sponsors and
players. Cmdr Fisher would like the Post to be able to contribute $6,000 via donations,
sponsorships, and revenue attributed to Post 381’s efforts. First Vice Cmdr Turner, urged for
the breakdown of the $6,000 figure to understand as to why the Post should be relegated to
such a large amount in one event considering Post 381 should only be contributing $1200 per
year to Denny for allowing the Post to operate at Denny’s place. According to Cmdr Fisher, if
the Post were to reach the goal of $6000, Denny’s chances of keeping Denny’s Place for the
sole purpose of selling to Post 381 is greater than if Denny is led to sell to another party, in
which case the potential of Post 381 losing out on investments already made to Denny’s
Place could be irreplaceable.  Dr. Billings added that there needs to be delineation between
the rent that The Post needs to pay to Denny and money raised by the Post during fundraiser
events such as the Golf Tournament. Finance Officer Pam Neal-Robinson reiterated that the
Post needs to vote on how Post 381 is to contribute in the fund raising for Denny’s Place and
itemizing where the funds would be going towards (i.e. Whether for the $6000 to Denny and
his taxes for Denny’s Place, or for Post 381’s expenditures throughout the year). Dr. Billings
furthered the point that the Post had an obligation to document what money was
contributed to Denny “The Owner/Organizer” of the Golf Tournament on behalf of the Post
meanwhile being accountable for the funds received for the Post based on compensation of
services rendered by Post members including Denny “Member of Post 381”. Dr. Billings
followed with the importance of the Fundraising Committee to discuss terms of agreement
as it relates to the financial distributions of money raised at the Golf Tournament between
the Post and Denny. Therefore Pam and Denny will discuss the terms of how funds will be
distributed between Denny and Post 381 on April 22 at 1500hrs, thus being ratified by the
Executive Committee. MSP.

New Business:

In regards to the possible sites of Post 381, First Vice Cmdr Turner will be meeting with
EnCore Design group on a weekly basis to discuss means of financial support from public and
private groups, as well as designs of what the Post would like to have in the new edifice. The
next meeting will take place on April 25 at 1300hrs.

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Monday, May 19, at 7:30pm, Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Friday, April 11, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
March 17, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:45 pm at Denny’s
Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance and excused absences:                               Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Dan Dorrance
Chris Marshall
Dennis LaVallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
Bob Ross

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved with the addition of Bob Ross in attendance.

Committee Reports:

Financial Report: MSP to postpone until the following meeting.

Sick Call/Chaplain’s Report:

Chaplain Chris Marshall reported Felix Colaciello was not in attendance as he was tending to his wife’s

Old Business:

First Vice Commander Henry Turner advised Denny is preparing to sell Denny’s Place by the end of
March and meeting with a realtor. Post 381 has the option of purchasing or matching any offer for the
property. Main issue with purchasing the property would be the many code violations of the current
property that would need to be addressed. The option of tearing down the infrastructure and building
on the foundation would prevent the post from pursuing additional building permits which has already
been grandfathered into Denny’s property. In addition to 1st Vice Cmdr Turner’s report, Commander
Fisher advised that he talked to State and the National Judge Advocate, pertaining to the Post
purchasing Denny’s Place, to see if Post 381 could receive a one year tax exemption, based on the intent
that the Post would be spending the year raising funds to purchase Denny’s Place. If approved, Denny
would hold off on selling the property for a year, giving the Post the necessary time to build the capital
to purchase; to which this issue would be put to a vote in the April Meeting. Currently Denny is looking
to sell for $390,000 and is willing to come down on the price. Sergeant-At-Arms Ian Young posed the
question as to the possibility of Denny changing his mind on selling the property during the “1-year
grace period”, and Cmdr Fisher advised that legal documents were being drawn by Steve Armstrong to
insure the Post’s interests are not taken advantage of. That being said, Cmdr Fisher wanted everyone to
be aware of the impending Golf Tournament Denny is hosting in June to which The Post will be
sponsoring and major financial contributors for the post will be in attendance. Due to the uncertainty of
the future for Denny’s Place, it is undetermined as to how much of the proceeds from the Golf
Tournament would be distributed to the Post.

First Vice Cmdr Turner suggested a written agreement between Denny and Post 381 should precede the
Golf Tournament on how the proceeds should be distributed amongst the two. Cmdr Fisher further
states that if the Post asks Denny to delay the selling of his property, the Post must promote and market
the establishment.

Cmdr Fisher is looking for ideas/suggestions from Post 381 members to raise funds over the next year to
pay for all the expenses occurred this fiscal year. One of the expenses occurred by the Post was the
rejuvenation of the Post website. Emails for Post 381 Officers will be easier to access, as there’ll be a link
on the webpage to do so. The webpage is being maintained by Ron’s Mobile Service for the next 3 years
for $295 (which is a donation to the post) and $700 due to John Pescatello for services rendered for
updating the website.

Cmdr Fisher advised that the Adopt-A-Highway sign will be posted soon and the question was posed as
to whether or not “Denny’s Place” would remain on the sign if/when the Post purchases Denny’s. Once
“Denny’s Place” becomes property of the Post the issue would be addressed.

First Vice Cmdr Turner reemphasized that the acquisition and building of property can only occur if the
Post raises the adequate funds. And for this reason, the Post website was revamped to look like a
credible organization worthy of outside attention to donate to the Post. 1st Vice Turner advised a letter
is being created requesting for donations which all members of the Post are needed to reach out to
contacts to push for Donations

Cmdr Fisher informed the Post that the Girl Scouts wrote a letter of endorsement to Post 381; A letter is
being drafted to endorse the Girl Scouts and a notice of sponsorship will be placed on the Post’s
website. Cmdr Fisher also mentioned that he reached out to the Boy Scout Commission for the pursuit
of endorsing the local Boy Scouts.  The Post is still awaiting correspondence from Boy Scout Officials.

Cmdr Fisher also informed the Post, that Steve Armstrong, Vice Cmdr Turner, Finance Officer Pam Neil-
Robinson, and Cmdr Fisher would be meeting to discuss possible property to be donated to the Post.
The intent of the meeting is to secure property along with Denny’s Place being considered the Annex for
Post 381 and discuss future plans of acquiring property and what to build on said property.

Sergeant at Arms Ian Young advised that the VA Rep @ the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is
requesting more information on Post 381 to distribute at the college. Cmdr Fisher advised additional
literature is being developed to brief the public on Post 381’s accomplishments and accolades and will
have it ready for distribution soon.

New Business:

Cmdr Fisher advised there will be three new members added to the Post in June.

Cmdr Fisher announced that the Zoe Foundation is going to endorse Post 381, therefore the Post will
create a letter of endorsement to the Zoe Foundation.

Cmdr Fisher also announced that as a result of the donations made to the Post for the website by Ron’s
Mobile Service, the company will be listed as a sponsor of Post 381 on the web page.

Cmdr Fisher advised that Councilman Franklin of Prince George’s County will visit the Cmdr, to discuss
the endorsement of Post 381.

Cmdr Fisher further advised that Nikea has presented the Post with a bill of $1,000 owed to her
company for services rendered within the past year. Nikea has developed plans and reviewed Denny’s
Place and Dr. Dobson’s property to determine infrastructure possibilities.

Cmdr Fisher read an article of the Free State Warrior newspaper congratulating the Post’s
accomplishments within the past year.

Cmdr Fisher is moved that documentation be created (by Steve Armstrong) to cover the Post if Post 381 is closed due to bankruptcy; The document will stipulate as to where the assets would be distributed
(primarily to the charities established on behalf of Warffemius and Seidler and any other charities
helping vets). MSP unanimously.

Cmdr Fisher announced Denny’s Place is hosting a Golf Tournament in June and that the Finance Officer
(Pam) would work with Denny on a percentage of proceeds going to the Post.

Cmdr Fisher was delighted to announce the petition presented by Dan regarding the term of the Korean
War Veterans has been approved and will be heard on the floor of Congress.

Cmdr Fisher reiterated that the costs to refurbish Denny’s Place to build on the foundation would be
approximately $10 Mil ($400K for Denny; $1.6 Mil for building on foundation; $8 Mil to maintain the
facility along with staff). 1st Vice Turner pointed out that the $8 Mil could also be used for the building
of the new infrastructure the Post could acquire as the Post 381 HQ. But the decision needs to be made
as to whether or not “Denny’s Place” is considered as an Annex and how much of the $8 Mil should be
relegated to the upkeep versus the main facility to which Post 381 HQ could be located.

Service Officer Dan Dorrance recommended that the refurbishment of Denny’s Place should include at
least one RV pad for the Security Officer and another pad for Veterans in transit.

Adjourn:   moved to adjourn. Seconded.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Monday, April 21, at 7:30pm, at the Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm .

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander

Thursday, March 27, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
    February 18, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:40 pm at Denny’s
Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absence:                    Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                                  Department 3rd Vice Commander Pat McCoy
Henry Turner                                                                             County Commander George Schaff
Dan Dorrance                                                                            Past County Commander Stan Shaw
Chris Marshall                                                                           Zachary Hawkins
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
David Billings

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the December 2013 meeting was presented and approved with the following corrections:

Service Officer Dan Dorrance requested that the term Korean War should replace the Cold War
referenced in the discussion of eligibility of veterans participating in the American Legion, Son’s of the
American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary.

Committee Reports:

The Financial Report was given by Chaplin Chris Marshall, stating the current account balances as of
January 31, 2014, along with donations made during the month of February 2014. MSP to accept this

Membership Committee Report: Cmdr Fisher advised that the DD-214s of Post 381 Legionnaires are
locked up in the Post’s safe deposit box. Three new members have joined Post 381, giving the post 110%
membership totaling 33 members. All of the original documents pertaining to the Post that had been
submitted to National will be located in the safe deposit box.  Cmdr Fisher further advised the Non-
Profit paperwork had been submitted by National in Sep 2013, which means that Post 381 should be
recognized as a Non-Profit Organization by Jan 2014, but Cmdr Fisher requested of County Cmdr George
Schaff to follow up with National to confirm Post 381 is a Non-Profit. County Cmdr George Schaff
advised that a 501(c)19 Form needed to be sent through the IRS in order for the Post to be recognized
as a Non-Profit Organization. Cmdr Fisher advised that the paperwork was submitted up the chain to
National to submit on behalf of Post 381 to the proper authorities.

First Vice Commander Henry Turner Reported that on Sunday, he, Cmdr Fisher, and Dan Dorrance went
to the Department Executive Committee meeting in Sykesville, MD to receive the National Meritorious
Award for Service on behalf of Post 381. This award recognizes Posts for surpassing membership
objectives in a given year. Mr. Turner further encouraged everyone to bring guests to meetings and look
into recruiting Legionnaires belonging to Posts that don’t have a physical location like Post 297 members
in the area.

Architectural Committee Report was presented by Dr. Billings. He communicated with Mrs. Nikita Reid
who advised that Denny’s Place has too many issues to the point where it would be more beneficial to
the post to build from the ground up than to update the foundation. Mr. Turner added that the benefit
of maintaining the property for its liquor license and slot machine is advantageous for the Post. Mr.
Turner further advised that grandfathered clauses of Denny’s Place has excused Denny from making
upgrades to the establishment to bring the structure up to today’s standards; thus if Post 381 were to
purchase the property the Post would have to bring the structure up to code. Building on-top of the
foundation could prevent the Post from spending additional money and time to maintain the
aforementioned benefits. Cmdr Fisher further advised that Denny has given the Post the option to buy.
Mr. Turner further advised that Denny is eager to sell and is willing to sell at a lower price, but would like
assurance that the Post would follow through with the plans of making Denny’s Place the “home” of
Post 381.

Mr. Turner advised Denny that the Post needs to address the means to obtain the money to purchase
Denny’s Place along with developing the funds for other projects Post 381 has concerns with. One
option the Post is exploring would be to include a Restaurateur to rent a portion of Denny’s Place while
the Post maintains other portions of the property. Cmdr Fisher further advised that per the discussion
with Denny, if Post 381 is able to create revenue to pay for the mortgage, any additional profits would
be used to reduce the mortgage balance on Denny’s Place. Mr. Turner furthered the point that it’s going
to need the members of Post 381 to lobby through social media, personal contacts, even other Posts
around the country help support in the fundraising efforts of Post 381.

Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster motioned to establish a Fundraising Committee to support awareness to
the building aspirations of Post 381. MSP. Jeremy Foster was appointed the Chair, with Dr. Billings as
member of the committee.

Old Business:

Cmdr Fisher has passed the test for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and Post 381 continues to wait for a
response from new BSA leadership. Local Girl Scouts will be sending Post 381 the necessary paperwork
to sponsor Troop 213.

New Business:

Bob Ross’ guest Zachary Hawkins from NAACPs Youth Program has decided to join Post 381 and will be
the lead POC between Post 381 and NAACPs Youth Program.

Bob Ross requested Post 381’s assistance in finding high school students to participate in NAACP’s
summer STEM Program sending students to Las Vegas with no cost to sponsors; Mr. Turner suggested
that notifications to JROTC programs in the local area should be made aware of the opportunity and
copies of the flier to advertise the NAACP event should be available to post.

Cmdr Fisher mentioned that the paper work for nominees for Boys State should be submitted soon as
the event would take place in June. Sponsorship would cost $300 and nominee must be a junior in High
Post 282 is hosting the Oyster Bowl on 22 Feb 2014. This is to honor American Legion Posts that meet
membership goals in the fiscal year. Cmdr Fisher advised Post 381 is to receive another award at the
Oyster Bowl and is looking for members of the Post to attend the Oyster Bowl with him.

For the Good of the Post: County Cmdr George Schaff advised that every Post must have an inspection
conducted by the County Commander on an annual basis. Any person handling funds over $1000 within
the American Legion Post should be insured and bonded. Post 381 should also consider taking
advantage of Officer’s Liability Insurance.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Monday, March 17, 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ located at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:48pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                     Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant                                                                     Post 381 Commander

Thursday, January 16, 2014

DEC 2013 Min

Small color emblem

                                                               Post 381
                                                        December 16, 2013

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:50 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following                                 Visitors:
members in attendance or excused:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turne
Dan Dorrance
Erle Ross
Chris Marshall
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Felix Colaciello
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.


Addition to the November 2013 Minutes:  Referring back to the October 21, 2013 minutes, Judge
Advocate Jeremy Foster researched the national bi-laws regarding the comments of Department
Commander Gifford pertaining to the American Legion not being associated with The American Legion
Auxiliary. According to the National Bi-laws, Article 13, Sections 1–3, it was determined that the
statement made by Department Commander Gifford was indeed inaccurate.  MSP to approve the
minutes from November with the amendment.

Committee Reports:

Financial Report was given by Pamela Neal-Robinson. MSP.

Executive Committee Report:

Moved to table the Executive Committee report until proper representation can be made. MSP.

Sick Call/Chaplains Report:

The Chaplain will get sympathy cards for the passing to Post Eternal of Post 227’s former Commander
Lester Crumley, and for the Department’s 3rd Vice Commander Pat McCoy’s husband.

Old Business:

Cmdr Fisher received an official letter from Lt. Col. Wooden (Retired) of the Youth Camp that that they
would like Post 381’s support with mentors.  However they would like us to be patient as they are under
new management and are working on the logistics to receive help from outside.  Lt. Col Wooden offered
his sincere apologies for actions in the past and would follow up with Pam and Cmdr Fisher for
cooperation with Post 381. Cmdr Fisher advised that Pam would be lead chair for Post 381 in this
endeavor to which Cmdr Fisher will provide Pam with all correspondence that takes place between Lt.
Col. Wooden.  Bob Ross has been appointed to the committee.

New Business:

Service Officer Dan Dorrance moved to submit a resolution (per the recent research of the Judge
Advocate) through the proper channels to National, notifying them that Post 381 will be suggesting to
amend the Auxiliary bi-laws associated to Post 381, to admit men into The American Legion Auxiliary. Cmdr Fisher agrees with the motion and created the Resolution Committee with Dan Dorrance (chair), Jeremy Foster and Bob Ross with instructions to construct the resolution.

Dan Dorrance would also like the recognition of the Cold War as being an ongoing war to which any Veterans that have been sworn-in since the inception of the Cold War (and family members of the Vets) should be eligible to become members of The American Legion, Sons of The American Legion, and The American Legion Auxiliary respectively. Cmdr Fisher would like to propose a petition to be passed around the community to bolster this recommendation to National. Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster, added that the proposal should also include members of the National Guard to be also acceptable members of the American Legion as they are not included in the National bi-laws, even though Post 381’s bi-laws already includes National Guard service members as eligible persons to join the American Legion.

Cmdr Fisher suggests that the following topics should be addressed in the January Meeting while in the presence of the 3rd Vice Pat McCoy.

Cmdr Fisher has passed the test for the Boy Scouts of America and Post 381 has been awaiting a
response from new leadership for several months. As a result of the Boy Scouts allowing homosexual
members, American Legion posts have dropped them from sponsorship. The question posed to Post 381
is whether or not the Post should follow suit. Meanwhile the local Girl Scouts of Brandywine has
requested Post 381 to support them.  Motion was made to sponsor Girl Scouts and the Post will
continue to be patient with the Boy Scouts to respond to our request for sponsorship. MSP

Report for the Good of the Post:

Dan Dorrance mentioned a missing veteran’s remains has been returned to the states; Cmdr Fisher
requests for the address and a card be sent to the family.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, at 7:30pm, same location.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant           Post 381 Commander