Friday, April 11, 2014


Small color emblem

Post 381
March 17, 2014

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:45 pm at Denny’s
Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance and excused absences:                               Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Dan Dorrance
Chris Marshall
Dennis LaVallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young
Bob Ross

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved with the addition of Bob Ross in attendance.

Committee Reports:

Financial Report: MSP to postpone until the following meeting.

Sick Call/Chaplain’s Report:

Chaplain Chris Marshall reported Felix Colaciello was not in attendance as he was tending to his wife’s

Old Business:

First Vice Commander Henry Turner advised Denny is preparing to sell Denny’s Place by the end of
March and meeting with a realtor. Post 381 has the option of purchasing or matching any offer for the
property. Main issue with purchasing the property would be the many code violations of the current
property that would need to be addressed. The option of tearing down the infrastructure and building
on the foundation would prevent the post from pursuing additional building permits which has already
been grandfathered into Denny’s property. In addition to 1st Vice Cmdr Turner’s report, Commander
Fisher advised that he talked to State and the National Judge Advocate, pertaining to the Post
purchasing Denny’s Place, to see if Post 381 could receive a one year tax exemption, based on the intent
that the Post would be spending the year raising funds to purchase Denny’s Place. If approved, Denny
would hold off on selling the property for a year, giving the Post the necessary time to build the capital
to purchase; to which this issue would be put to a vote in the April Meeting. Currently Denny is looking
to sell for $390,000 and is willing to come down on the price. Sergeant-At-Arms Ian Young posed the
question as to the possibility of Denny changing his mind on selling the property during the “1-year
grace period”, and Cmdr Fisher advised that legal documents were being drawn by Steve Armstrong to
insure the Post’s interests are not taken advantage of. That being said, Cmdr Fisher wanted everyone to
be aware of the impending Golf Tournament Denny is hosting in June to which The Post will be
sponsoring and major financial contributors for the post will be in attendance. Due to the uncertainty of
the future for Denny’s Place, it is undetermined as to how much of the proceeds from the Golf
Tournament would be distributed to the Post.

First Vice Cmdr Turner suggested a written agreement between Denny and Post 381 should precede the
Golf Tournament on how the proceeds should be distributed amongst the two. Cmdr Fisher further
states that if the Post asks Denny to delay the selling of his property, the Post must promote and market
the establishment.

Cmdr Fisher is looking for ideas/suggestions from Post 381 members to raise funds over the next year to
pay for all the expenses occurred this fiscal year. One of the expenses occurred by the Post was the
rejuvenation of the Post website. Emails for Post 381 Officers will be easier to access, as there’ll be a link
on the webpage to do so. The webpage is being maintained by Ron’s Mobile Service for the next 3 years
for $295 (which is a donation to the post) and $700 due to John Pescatello for services rendered for
updating the website.

Cmdr Fisher advised that the Adopt-A-Highway sign will be posted soon and the question was posed as
to whether or not “Denny’s Place” would remain on the sign if/when the Post purchases Denny’s. Once
“Denny’s Place” becomes property of the Post the issue would be addressed.

First Vice Cmdr Turner reemphasized that the acquisition and building of property can only occur if the
Post raises the adequate funds. And for this reason, the Post website was revamped to look like a
credible organization worthy of outside attention to donate to the Post. 1st Vice Turner advised a letter
is being created requesting for donations which all members of the Post are needed to reach out to
contacts to push for Donations

Cmdr Fisher informed the Post that the Girl Scouts wrote a letter of endorsement to Post 381; A letter is
being drafted to endorse the Girl Scouts and a notice of sponsorship will be placed on the Post’s
website. Cmdr Fisher also mentioned that he reached out to the Boy Scout Commission for the pursuit
of endorsing the local Boy Scouts.  The Post is still awaiting correspondence from Boy Scout Officials.

Cmdr Fisher also informed the Post, that Steve Armstrong, Vice Cmdr Turner, Finance Officer Pam Neil-
Robinson, and Cmdr Fisher would be meeting to discuss possible property to be donated to the Post.
The intent of the meeting is to secure property along with Denny’s Place being considered the Annex for
Post 381 and discuss future plans of acquiring property and what to build on said property.

Sergeant at Arms Ian Young advised that the VA Rep @ the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) is
requesting more information on Post 381 to distribute at the college. Cmdr Fisher advised additional
literature is being developed to brief the public on Post 381’s accomplishments and accolades and will
have it ready for distribution soon.

New Business:

Cmdr Fisher advised there will be three new members added to the Post in June.

Cmdr Fisher announced that the Zoe Foundation is going to endorse Post 381, therefore the Post will
create a letter of endorsement to the Zoe Foundation.

Cmdr Fisher also announced that as a result of the donations made to the Post for the website by Ron’s
Mobile Service, the company will be listed as a sponsor of Post 381 on the web page.

Cmdr Fisher advised that Councilman Franklin of Prince George’s County will visit the Cmdr, to discuss
the endorsement of Post 381.

Cmdr Fisher further advised that Nikea has presented the Post with a bill of $1,000 owed to her
company for services rendered within the past year. Nikea has developed plans and reviewed Denny’s
Place and Dr. Dobson’s property to determine infrastructure possibilities.

Cmdr Fisher read an article of the Free State Warrior newspaper congratulating the Post’s
accomplishments within the past year.

Cmdr Fisher is moved that documentation be created (by Steve Armstrong) to cover the Post if Post 381 is closed due to bankruptcy; The document will stipulate as to where the assets would be distributed
(primarily to the charities established on behalf of Warffemius and Seidler and any other charities
helping vets). MSP unanimously.

Cmdr Fisher announced Denny’s Place is hosting a Golf Tournament in June and that the Finance Officer
(Pam) would work with Denny on a percentage of proceeds going to the Post.

Cmdr Fisher was delighted to announce the petition presented by Dan regarding the term of the Korean
War Veterans has been approved and will be heard on the floor of Congress.

Cmdr Fisher reiterated that the costs to refurbish Denny’s Place to build on the foundation would be
approximately $10 Mil ($400K for Denny; $1.6 Mil for building on foundation; $8 Mil to maintain the
facility along with staff). 1st Vice Turner pointed out that the $8 Mil could also be used for the building
of the new infrastructure the Post could acquire as the Post 381 HQ. But the decision needs to be made
as to whether or not “Denny’s Place” is considered as an Annex and how much of the $8 Mil should be
relegated to the upkeep versus the main facility to which Post 381 HQ could be located.

Service Officer Dan Dorrance recommended that the refurbishment of Denny’s Place should include at
least one RV pad for the Security Officer and another pad for Veterans in transit.

Adjourn:   moved to adjourn. Seconded.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be Monday, April 21, at 7:30pm, at the Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm .

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander