Friday, January 29, 2016

Special Meeting Jan 17 Mins

Small color emblem

Post 381
Special Meeting
January 17, 2017 (proposed)

In accordance with Article IV of the Post By-Laws, a special membership meeting of American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 opened at 10:00 am at Post 238, 6265 Brandywine Road, Hughesville, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:
Ron Fisher Elbert                                                                          “Ed” White, NEC Committeeman
Tyrone Eugene                                                                                Will Trotter, SMD Commander
Jeremy Foster                                                                                   Reggie Pearman
Dan Dorrance                                                                                    Prencis Shaw
Chris Marshall
Erle Ross
Bob Ross
Darryl Morgan

Post 381 Commander Ron Fisher explained that the Prince George’s County Council Commander recommended this meeting to ensure that the Wilmer’s Park acquisition packet will be in order when it’s submitted for approval. Cmdr Fisher presented to National Executive Committeeman Ed White and Southern Maryland District Commander Will Trotter the packet of required forms by the American Legion to acquire the Wilmer’s Park property.

Mr. White reviewed the packet and made recommendations on how to improve the presentation. The process of moving the packet through the County, District and Department was delineated by Mr. White and SMD Cmdr Trotter, including the dates of the next meetings of each entity, of April 4, April 10, and May 15, respectively.

Several questions were asked by both sides and answered to everyone’s satisfaction. Mr. White and SMD Cmdr Trotter left the meeting at 10:45.

The Post members reviewed the information gained, and Cmdr Fisher assigned who will update the different parts of the packet. After revising the minutes for December 14 and January 11 to use wording suggested by Mr. White, there was a motion to accept those minutes. MSP.

Meeting adjourned at 11:06 am.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                           Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant                                                             Post 381 Commander