Post 381
December 19, 2016
The American Legion
Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:48 pm
at Post HQ, 14313 Brandywine
Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron
A quorum being met by the
members in attendance or
excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher
PGCC Cmdr John
Henry Turner
Bryan Hover
Tyrone Eugene
Erle Ross
Jeremy Foster
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Chris Marshall
Daniel Dorrance
Felix Colaciello
Marrie Nunn
Sherry Miller
Invocation from Post
Chaplain, Chris Marshall
Prince George's County
Council Commander John McGee was introduced. PGCC Cmdr McGee had just completed
the annual Post Inspection. He thanked Post Cmdr Ron Fisher for presenting all
the items he was looking for and his inspection report will be forwarded within
a week. He asked about our membership renewals, to which Cmdr Fisher explained
that we have many membership renewals ready to be sent to the Department and
Adjutant Erle Ross will be mailing them the following day.
Minutes from the previous
meeting was presented and approved as modified.
Reports: Finance Report was
given by Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster. MSP to approve.
Chaplain's Report included
the passing of Post member Bill Bush. Chaplain Chris Marshall circulated a
sympathy card for the members to sign, and Chap. Marshall will send to the Bush
Wilmer's Park Committee
Report was given by Third Vice Commander Tyrone Eugene. He indicated there was
little change from last month's report, which is that the process is still
moving forward.
Old Business:
New Business: JA Foster is
attending college and is active in the College of Southern Maryland's Student
Veteran's Organization (SVO). He has met several veteran's and anticipates at
least a couple students will join Post 381.
Adj Ross asked about the
ramifications to the Post and member if a Post member were to donate a sailboat
to the Post. Cmdr Fisher will contact the Post CPA on this matter.
JA Foster responded to a
question about VA benefits and Vocational Rehabilitation for recently discharged
vets to attend college and receive these benefits.
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.
Benediction was given by
Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday,
January 17, 2017, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ, 14313 Brandywine Heights Road,
Brandywine, Maryland.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post
381 Commander