Post 381
November 20, 2019
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:05 pm at the Brandywine Elementary School Library, 14101 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, Maryland, by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being by the following officers and members in attendance or excused absences:
Officers/Members of Post 381
Ron Fisher Commander
Tyrone Eugene 3rd Vice Commander
Erle Ross Adjutant
Pamela Neal-Robinson Finance Officer
Sherry Miller Service Officer
Lynda Hart Dan Dorrance Gary Wells
John Krupp Ian Young Charles Robinson
David Billings Bob Ross Jeremy Foster
Matt Reichers Meghan Feerek Katelyn Moyers
Steve Armstrong Noah Call-Boyce Jennifer Syler
Cheraunda Nunn Marrie Nunn
This meeting was held with Post 381 as guest of the Brandywine North Keys Civic Association
(BNKCA). American Legion ceremonies were deferred to the BNKCA.
A moment of silence and opening prayer was conducted by the BNKCA Chaplain.
- Commander Ronald F. Fisher reported to BNKCA the current status of Wilmer's Park and where Post 381 was in relation to obtaining rights to use the property. Pictures of the property taken last summer were projected during the presentation.
- Members present stayed after the conclusion of the meeting to answer personal follow-up questions by BNKCA members.
Benediction was given by BNKCA Chaplain.
Next Meeting:
Monday, December 23, 2019 at 7:30 pm.
Post 381 Annex, 9414 Midland Turn
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander