Post 381
October 21, 2019
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:41 pm at the Post 381 Annex 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.
A quorum being me by the following members in attendance or excused absences:
Ronald Fisher Commander Visitors
Henry Turner 1st Vice Commander PGCC Cdr. Will Speight
Tyrone Eugene 3rd Vice Commander PGCC Vice Cdr. John Kilgalen
Erle Ross Adjutant
Pam Neal-Robinson Finance Officer
Sherry Miller Service Officer
Post 381 Members
Steve Armstrong Marrie Nunn
David Billings Matt Reichers
Noah Call-Boyce Charles Robinson
Dan Dorrance Bob Ross
Meghan Feerek Jennifer Syler
Jeremy Foster Ian Young
Lynda Hart
John Krupp
Katelyn Moyer
Cheraunda Nunn
The Chaplin being absent, a moment of silence was observed.
Introduction of Guests:
- The annual Post inspection in progress, the Prince George's County Council (PGCC)Commander, Will Speight and PGCC Vice Commander John Kilgalen introduced themselves.
Sick Call:
- Two Post members with inflictions were brought to the attention of the membership.
- Finance Report
- Finance Report was presented by Finance Officer (FO) Pam Neal-Robinson. The Post inspection revealed that Post 381 and its Resident Agent is unknown to the Maryland Secretary of State. The Adjutant will resolve this discrepancy. MSP to accept the report.
- Post Inspection:
- The Post inspection was completed just prior to the meeting opening. Cdr. Fisher mentioned how much he appreciate how the inspection was accomplished.
- NAACP Veteran's Committee:
- FO Neal-Robinson said she accepted an appointment on the relatively new Maryland NAACP Veteran's Committee. One emphasis of the committee is to support mental health issues. FO Neal-Robinson acknowledged the Post corporate membership in the NAACP, but asked that individual members consider membership.
- Post 1st Vice Commander Henry Turner asked how the Mental Health Committee works considering the Veteran's Administration deals with veteran mental health. FO Neal-Robinson said this committee was formed because the NAACP has determine the need to ensure certain areas of Veteran's health care are emphasized.
- Membership Renewal:
- Adjutant (Adj.) Ross presented the Department process to renew memberships online, but was cautious about connecting the Post primary checking account with the Department. Adj. Ross spoke with the Post's bank and there is no cost to open a new account and since all transactions will be online (without the need for paper checks), there won't be any additional expenses. MSP to open a "membership" bank account.
- Adj. Ross reminded the Post that 2020 membership dues should be paid by the end of the calendar year, which is only two months away. Cdr. Fisher says there are nine active duty members in the Post. If anyone can donate an extra $30, we can pay for their membership. There are several ways to pay the dues, so use the method easiest for the member.
- Chaplin Chris Marshall finished his school in Texas and is expected back in Maryland before the next Post meeting.
- PGCC Cdr. Speight addressed the membership. He encouraged the Post to continue doing what we do best and getting things done. He challenged Cdr. Fisher to attend the next PGCC meeting at Post 66 and let the other Posts know what Post 381 is doing.
- Cdr. Fisher accepted PGCC Cdr. Speight's invitation to bring his service dog to the next PGCC meeting in January 2020.
- The Department Re-organization was talked about with PGCC Cdr. Speight and Vice Cdr. Kilgalen provided some details and variations that are being discussed by the D.E.C. (Department Executive Committee). The County Council and District Councils may change to Districts and Areas. One thought is that Post 381 would be grouped with more Post in Charles County rather then Prince George's County.
- PGCC Cdr. Speight advised that Ebony at the Department headquarters can send cards to people who live in the area but are not affiliate with a specific Post to invite the to join Post 381.
Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next Meeting:
Monday, November 18, at 7:30pm
Post 381 Annex, 9414 Midland Turn
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander