Post 381
October 19, 2020 (proposed)
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 virtural membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm via video-conferencing by Post Commander Ron Fisher. The Post Annex was not available.
A quorum being met by the following officers and members in attendance or excused absences:
Officers/Members of Post 381
Ronald Fisher Commander Visitor
Henry Turner 1st Vice Commander Prince George's County Council
Tyron Eugene 3rd Vice Commander Commander John Kilgallon
Erle Ross Adjutant
Sherry Miller Service Officer
Chris Marshal Post Chaplain
Post 381 Members
Dan Dorrance Linda Hart John Krupp
Matt Reichers
Due to the video-conferencing format, most ceremonies were dispensed with. The Invocation was given by Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall.
Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.
- PGCC CDR Kilgallon updated the Post on American Legion events including Department (Dept.) standardized Constitution and Bi-Laws (CBL), Past Dept. CDR from Prince George's County is nominated for a National Vice CDR position.
- Post CDR Fisher gave the finance report; and asked for all members to send in their membership renewals.
- CDR Fisher updated the Post on recent communicaitons with Dept. Adjutant Myers concerning our contention that the Dept. is not following National CBL or Maryland State Law. He mentioned that if Post 381's charter is withdrawn, then as a group we can create our own non-profit to continue doing the things we want to do for our veterans.
Old Business:
- Hung Haung updated the Post on this aquaponics construction project.
New Business:
- CDR Fisher asked the Post whether to remain affiliated with the American Legion. PGCC CDR Kilgallon answered the question about what will we gain and what will we lose if we disenfranchised from the American Legion.
- Some of the discussion included questions on what the Post was actually doing (CDR Fisher mentioned that the Post is near to receiving certification to train service dogs for PTSD); whether the American Legion was supporting us, or just taking our Post numbers for their own purposes but not doing anything for us; and that the face of the American Legion are things like chili cook-offs and bars.
- The mission of the American Legion was reiterated and that being part of the larger whole was benefits. Whether "putting up with" the American Legion was worth being part of the larger organization, the bigger voice with legislation, and the National Voice with the slowness the bureaucracy creates.
- CDR Fisher put the question to the Post on whether Post 381 will remain affiliate with the American Legion. MSP.
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.
Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
Next Meeting:
Monday, November 16, 2020 at 7:30 pm
via video-conferencing and if able,
Post 381 Annex
9414 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander