Wednesday, March 13, 2013


                                          Small color emblem
                                                                 Post 381
                                                                   Monday, February 18, 2013

American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30pm at Denny’s Place,
15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance:                                                                          Visitors:
              Ronald Fisher                                                                           Casey Fisher
              Henry C. Turner, Jr.                                                          
              Denny Lavelle                                                             Membership Approved Excused Absences:
              Erle Ross                                                                                   Bryan Hoover
              Chris Marshall                                                                           Jeremy Foster
              Dan Dorrance                                                                            William Gash
              Bill Bush                                                                                     Ian Young
              Pamela Neal-Robinson                                                                Felix Colaciello

Convocation from Post Chaplin Chris Marshall

Update on the organization of the Post 381 Auxiliary was presented by Casey Fisher. She asked for the
Post members to assist in recruiting.

Minutes from the December and January meetings were presented by Post Adjutant Erle Ross. He
clarified procedure that the proposed minutes will be posted online and printed copies will be available
before the meetings. It will be up to the members to read the minutes ahead of time and be prepared to
correct or approve at this point in the membership meetings.
               The minutes were approved as corrected and will be posted online.

Sick Call, relief, and employment
              Felix Colaciello’s son is in the hospital
              David Billings’ sister passed
              Henry Turner’s mother fell and broke her hip

Committee Reports
              Finance Committee report given by Bill Bush. Motion to accept this report was , seconded and approved.

Old Business:
              Ron Fisher reported that 10 people had paid so far to attend the National Commander’s Banquet
at Post 82 on March 9. More reservations will be accepted.
              Henry Turner reported that all DD214’s need for the charter members have been received and
verified. Next month the membership will consider Oliver, Glads and Harate for membership. Their DD-
214’s have been verified and dues paid.
              A safe deposit box to store the commander and adjutant’s DD214’s and other necessary
documents has been rented.
              Adopt-a-highway has been approved. Signs should be posted in about 3 weeks. It was moved,
seconded and approved to put Denny Place on the signs.
              Constitution and Bylaws were approved as amended.
              The proper use of the Post name was described. The American Legion, Warffemius-Seidler Post
381, Baden-Brandywine, MD is the full name. When using Warffemius-Seidler, it should always be
followed by either a comma, or move to the next line to use “Post 381”. When using the city pair
“Baden-Brandywine”, always included “Maryland” or “MD”.
              Ron’s Mobile gifted to the Post 2 years’ use of the Post web site and emails. Two new sponsors
were added to the Post web site.
              The corrected sponsorship letter from the NAACP was received.

New Business:
              Pamela Neal-Robinson was appointed to chair the Children and Youth Committee.
              Felix Colaciello and Denny Lavallee were added to the Finance Committee.
              Ron Fisher announced the Southern Maryland Oyster Bowl on February 23, and encouraged
everyone to attend.
              There will be a reception hosted by the Southern Maryland Division honoring past commanders.
Subject tabled.
               Denny announced he was having a special “ribs night” this Thursday, February 21. Profits will be
donated to the Post.
               Ron Fisher updated the process for the Post to have its own EIN, and that the Post will be a
501(c)(19) not-for-profit organization.
               All Charter Members who had not previously been sworn into The American Legion was sworn

Adjourn: Moved, Seconded and passed to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be March 18, 2013, and 7:30pm, same location.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                             Ronald Fisher
Adjutant                                                                                              Commander