Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dec Min

                                                                    Small color emblem
                                                          Post 381
                                                            Monday, December 17, 2012

The prospective charter meeting opened at 7:02pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road,
Brandywine, MD by acting Commander, Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance:                                                             Visitors:
              Bryan Hoover
              Ron Fisher                                                           
              Denny Lavelle
              Erle Ross
              Chris Marshall
              Dan Dorrance
              Bill Bush
              Jeremy Foster

Convocation from acting Chaplin, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the charter organization meeting was presented

Old Business:
              Regular/monthly meetings of the Post will be the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30pm.
              Adopt-a-Highway: Denny Lavallee will ensure 4 signs on Maryland Highway 381 are posted.
              Acting officer list was reviewed for submission to National for our charter.
              Post name: Bryan Hoover met with Seidler family. Recommends a single point-of-contact
                     between our Post and the families.
              Jeremy Foster met with Warffemius family. The son is honored and anxious to get involved with
                     the SAL.
              VFD: Bryan Hoover and Ron Fisher met with the Baden VFD for sponsorship.
              DD214: All the DD214’s for the charter members have been received and will be kept in a safe
                     deposit box.
              Officer Books: They’ll arrive in conjunction with the charter approval. Post copies will be signed
                     out when borrowed. All should be available online as a PDF.
              Legion tenants: Ron reiterated the 4 pillars of the Legion as the foundation of our Post.
              Charter Application: Ron provided copies of all the paperwork submitted for charter approval.
              Boy Scouts of America: Ron talked about sponsoring a local BSA troup.
              MD Department news: Tom Davis is stepping down from the state Adjutant position.
                            Requirements for Commander: a.) physically attend 10 meetings in the past year; b.)
                                    member of this Post at least 1 year.
                              Installation of Officers will take place 30 days after elections
                             Executive Committee will consist of 4 appointed and 1 elected members for 2 year
                             Adjutant is appointed by the Commander with no term limit. When a new Adjutant is
appointed, there will be a 60 overlap between the appointment of the new and release of the old
Adjutants for transfer of books and duties.

New Business:
              Ron distributed copies of Legion membership times to assist in recruiting.
              American Legion Riders (ALR): Dan Dorrance give ALR info to start a local club. Bill Gash
                    volunteered to assist.
              Sons of the American Legion (SAL): Bill Bush inquired to establishing a local SAL. Postponed.
              Membership applications: Still need a few charter members to complete theirs.
              Website needs: Fund raising, as we need $300 quickly for work already done for our website.
              Permanent Officer Installation:  When will it occur? No definite time given.
              Prospective & Transferring members: Dan said a committee has to meet with the prospective
member twice. Prospective members can meet with the current members at the dinner just prior to the
meeting, but doesn’t count as meeting with the committee.

Adjourn: Bill Bush moved to adjourn. Seconded.

Benediction given by Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be January 21, 2013, and 7:30pm, same location.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm .

Respectfully submitted;

/signed/                                                                            /signed/
Erle Ross                                                                        Ronald Fisher
Acting Adjutant                                                           Acting Commander