Wednesday, August 12, 2015

July Minutes

Small color emblem
Post 381
July 20, 2015 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm
at Post HQ, 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                      
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Christopher Tress
Tyrone Eugene
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Christopher Marshall
Felix Colaciello
Daniel Dorrance
Cheraunda Nunn
Jennifer Syler
Fred Harley

Invocation from presented by Post Chaplain (Chap.), Chris Marshall.

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved as corrected.


Treasurer’s Report: Commander Ron Fisher presented the Treasury Report. MSP.

Chaplin’s Report: Cmdr Fisher updated his recent surgeries. In addition, his uncle in
Delaware passed away suddenly last Friday. The Post will send a card of condolences.

Bill Bush’s nephew’s wife, Nichole Bond, has been having health issues.

Dr. Billings’ relative has health issues.

Felix Colaciello’s family member has health issues.

When news of a fellow legionnaire’s passing or health situation is passed through the
District or County email chain, Adjutant (Adj) Erle Ross is to pass the information to Chap.
Marshall for him to send a sympathy card to the appropriate people.

Service Officer (SO) Marrie Nunn has been spending time at the VA and getting to know
some of the homeless in her area, providing them transportation to the VA Clinic.
The Post’s Facebook page is also being updated by SO Nunn.

Executive Committee: Judge Advocate (JA) Jeremy Foster talked about the latest status of
acquiring Wilmer’s Park after meeting with Parks and Recreation representative Don
Herring. JA Foster reiterated the use of the land for Koi ponds; chicken coops for free-range
egg sales; the employment of homeless veterans; paint ball, archery & turkey shoot events;
and remodeling/replacing building to provide housing for homeless vets.

Willy Blatten, invited Cmdr Fisher, and 2nd Vice Commander Tyrone Eugene along with the
Post Broker Jeremy Bungard to attend a fund raising concert in via Baltimore.

Marlton Golf Course: Marlton Golf Course co-owner, James Garver, promoted Post 381 by
donating 4 tickets to play a round each at the course in the Post’s name.

Old Business:

Cmdr Fisher reminded the Post that we’re invited to Edward Jones’ Open House at their new office at 9120 Chesapeake Ave, Suite 200, North Beach, MD 20714 on July 24.

Marlton Golf Course is having a tournament September 14-20 and will raffle tickets to play 9
holes and donate the proceeds to Post 381.

New Business:

Ron brought up the possibility to get an iPad to be used to track people we need to send
cards to for sympathy & remembrances (such as the Seidler & Warffemius families).

Edward Jones Investment Company is having a Grand Opening July 31, from 5-9:30pm. The
Ribbon cutting is set for 5:00pm. Please RSVP at 410-257-1321 or

1st Vice Turner talked about fund raising to build our Post Annex at the Marlton Golf Course.
The Post needs to start the process of determining what the Annex will look like
(architectural rendering).

September 14-20, Marlton is having a week-long golf tournament, with each day being a
different theme. The Post Moon Bounce will be used the entire week.

Wednesday, September 16 is being reserved for Post 381 to sponsor, if desired. 3rd Vice
Commander Tyrone Eugene & SO Nunn will determine if the Post can make this happen.
Adj Ross will coordinate publicity throughout the American Legion.

The Wounded Warrior Project sponsor at the Golf Tourney owns a bottle water company
and approached 1st Vice Turner about the possibility of Post 381 providing space as a
distribution center at Wilmer’s Park, and selling “Post 381 bottled water”. Both options will
provide income to Post 381.

The following Post election results will be submitted to the Department:

Commander Ronald Fisher
1st Vice Commander Henry Turner
2nd Vice Commander Christopher Tress
3rd Vice Commander Tyrone Eugene
Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster
Adjutant Erle Ross
Service Officer J. Marrie Nunn
Finance Officer/Treasurer Pamela Neal-Robinson
Historian Felix Colaciello
Chaplin Chris Marshall
Sergeant-at-Arms Daniel Dorrance

Initiation of new members: Jeremy ???? joined the post but is on an excused absence.

Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.

Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday, August 17, 2015, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ, 14313
Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, Maryland.

Meeting adjourned at 9:01pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross   Post 381 Adjutant                Ronald F. Fisher Post 381 Commander