Post 381
July 18, 2016
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:32 pm
at Post HQ, 14313 Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Tyrone Eugene
Jeremy Foster
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Chris Marshall
Erle Ross
Sherry Miller
Darrel Oliver
Marrie Nunn
Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall
Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.
Reports: Commander’s Report- Post Commander Ron Fisher referred to the American
Legion Preamble and how we as a country aren’t doing some of these things very well. He
tied it to our upcoming move into Wilmer’s Park, and support of the Maryland NAACP’s
upcoming event. He challenged the Post membership to under promise and over deliver.
We need to remember why we came together to create our Post. It’s our diversity that
makes us strong. It’s time to step up in support of our veterans.
Financial Report- Finance Officer Pam Neal-Robinson presented the financial report. MSP.
Wilmer’s Park- 1st Vice Commander Henry Turner has the paperwork for the $100k grant
from the State of Maryland that will be used for the annex. He explained how the process
works with the State bureaucracy that administers and release the funds as a line of credit.
1st V.Cmdr Turner said that the Prince George’s County grant will release the funds coming
from them, $50,000 this year and $50,000 in 2017. The gap between the lines of credit and
the cost to build the annex will be covered by the Marlton Golf Course (G.C.) and Henry
Turner. The current annex is estimated to cost $239,000 to be built. We may be able to start
construction within a week and take 60-90 days to complete.
Judge Advocate (JA) Jeremy Foster asked who will pay interest on the line of credit that
Marlton G.C. will acquire. Cmdr Fisher suggested that 1st Cmdr Turner go through the Post CPA to ensure all moneys are coordinated and can be accounted, and that since the Post is a
501(c)13 organization, the additional line of credit may be obtained at a lower interest rate,
even down to 0% due to our non-profit status. Cmdr Fisher detailed how the costs will be
shared equally between the Post and Marlton G.C. after all expenses have been paid.
Cmdr Fisher brought in an invoice from attorney Mark Hermann for services rendered. He
explained that Mr. Hermann will continue to work for the Post. Cmdr Fisher also presented a
Conception Plan that is the latest requirement from the Don Herring and the Parks and
Planning Commission (P&P), and expect the lease to be signed shortly. Copies of the
Conception Plan were distributed and reviewed as presented to P&P.
JA Foster moved that the various access roads on Wilmer’s Park be named after Post charter
members and local veterans. MSP.
Cmdr Fisher said that the lease signing for Wilmer’s Park is imminent, and we need to speak
up now if anything doesn’t feel or sound right, or if you’re just not sure about anything.
Old Business: Cmdr Fisher showed the membership copies of the 501(c)13 paperwork
verifying our non-profit status. A copy was distributed to member Oliver who is our
architecture liaison with Encore and Nakita Reed. Another copy was distributed to Adjutant
(Adj) Erle Ross to be included with the Post files.
Adj Ross gave a short report on the American Legion College he attended on the first day of
the Maryland Department Convention that took place last week. He wasn’t able to acquire
the polo shirts that were ordered, but has been in touch with the embroidery business
owner and expects the shirts to be shipped this week.
New Business: Cmdr Fisher presented a flyer from the Maryland Governor’s office inviting
people to a Waterfront Party fund raiser. Cmdr Fisher called the Governor’s office because
the flyer mentioned the Governor’s support of first responders but not veterans or service
members. They promised him this oversight would be corrected. The party is this weekend,
July 23, and Cmdr Fisher said that Post members were invited, though at the normal
admission price.
Cmdr Fisher asked 1st V.Cmdr Turner and FO Neal-Robinson to write generic letters of
appreciation to our active duty members who are support out Post from afar. This is for
people like Jennifer Skyler and Christ Tress and the purpose is to acknowledge their
Assistant Adjutant/Service Officer Sherry Miller recently attended a Prince George’s County
NAACP meeting representing Post 381.
FO Neal-Robinson announced the Jude House Annual Family Day will be on August 21 from
1-4pm at 9505 Crain Hwy, Bel Alton, MD 20611. She asked for the Post to furnish the Moon
Bounce and personnel to operate it. In addition, two rounds of golf will be donated by
Marlton G.C.
3rd Vice Commander Tyrone Eugene attended a fund raising event July 8, 2016, for Doctors
Community Hospital to raise money to pay for their new 3D mammogram machine and
asked for a $100 donation from the Post. MSP.
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.
Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, August 15, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ, 14313 Brandywine
Heights Road, Brandywine, Maryland.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander