Post 381
February 29, 2018
The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:34 pm
At the Post Annex, 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, MD by Post Commander Ron
A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences: Visitors:
Ron Fisher Dept. Sgt-at-Arms Ronald Holcombe
Henry Turner Lynda M. Hart
Bryan Hoover Vann Jones
Tyrone Eugene Jimmy Garvin
Jeremy Foster Todd E. Bahneman
Erle Ross Ricardo Hendi
Sherry Miller Dennis Bobo
Chris Marshall
Meghan Feerick
Fred Harley
Darryl Morgan
Katelyn Moyers
Bob Ross
Jennifer Syler
Cheraunda Nunn
Aaron Ajani
Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall
Introduction of Guests: People representing Marlboro Golf Course, Post 381’s architect and
CPA, the Department Sergeant-at-Arms introduced themselves. In addition, the members of
Post 381 introduced themselves to the guests.
Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.
Reports: Chaplain’s Report presented by Chaplain Chris Marshall. No members were
reported as ill.
The Service Officer’s Report was presented by Cmdr Ron Fisher. Svc Off Sherry Miller will
add the Post Annex information to the post’s Facebook page and web site.
Old Business: 1st Vice Cmdr Henry Turner updated the Post on the current state of Marlton
Golf Course. Promised more information in the Executive Committee.
Cmdr Fisher reported that the highway 381 adoption has been approved. The Post
will have its name on three signs.
Cmdr Fisher advised that the Baden Fire Department will adopt the Baden VFW.
Cmdr Fisher reminded the Post that the Bi-Laws are outdated and need to be
Cmdr Fisher has stated that he is working on being more visible to the American
Legion Hierarchy.
New Business: Post 381 was awarded the Meritorious Award for Membership from the
National HQ.
Prince George’s County Council Cmdr Steven Brennan has a similar award for the
Post and will be awarded at the next County Council Meeting.
Cmdr Fisher thanked everyone for being a member and helping the American Legion
and Post 381 to continue to grow and be integrated. We are leading by example.
Cmdr Fisher want to push for a referendum to fill the gap of eligible Legion
membership due to that the United States has been in a state of war with North Korean for
over 50 years.
Cmdr Fisher brought up Boys State and that he would like to nominate a local boy to
attend. 2nD Cmdr Hoover
Adjourn: MSP to adjourn.
Benediction was given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.
Next meeting will be Monday, March 19, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 Annex (club house), 9413
Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.
Respectfully submitted;
Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander