Friday, December 13, 2013


Small color emblem

Post 381
Proposed Minutes
November 18, 2013

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:34 pm at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absence: Visitors:
Ron Fisher
Henry Turner
Dan Dorrance
Chris Marshall
Dennis Lavallee
Jeremy Foster
Erle Ross
Felix Colaciello
Chris Tress
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Ian Young

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

MSP to approve the minutes from October 21 (See Post web site).

Committee Reports:

MSP to accept the Financial Report given by Jeremy Foster.

Sick Call/Chaplains Report:

Member Bill Bush is in the process of moving to his new home and was unable to attend the meeting.

Post Historian Felix Colaciello was attending to his wife, who is recovering from hip surgery.

Renovation Committee: Encore representative, Nakita Reed is continuing to work with chairman Dr.
Billings regarding renovations; Executive Committee lead, Henry Turner, will need candidates to assist
with the progression of the Post’s development and meetings with Ms. Reed to ensure contractors are
held accountable for actions rendered.

Acquisition Committee: The Dr. Dobson estate is willing to donate land or building in some form or
fashion. However, continuing conversations between Post 381 attorney, Steve Armstrong, and Dr.
Dobson’s estate attorneys are still in negotiations. Mr. Turner will continue to be the point of contact for
Mr. Armstrong.

Old Business:

Post 381 Cmdr Fisher summarized District Commander Gary Gifford’s comments from Post 381’s Oct
Meeting in which there was a misunderstanding of Cmdr Gifford’s intentions at the Post and the current
activities of Post 381 as it correlates to the mission of the American Legion from a national perspective.
The misunderstanding occurred when Cmdr Fisher addressed Cmdr Gifford at the beginning of the Oct
meeting with Cmdr Gifford declining to comment and at the end of the meeting. Cmdr Gifford
requested a few minutes during the reflections of “The Good of the American Legion” which continued
past the time the meeting was intended to close.  Service Officer Dan Dorrance motioned for permission
to leave the meeting as it was getting late. Meanwhile Cmdr. Gifford was still speaking at the time as
Dan was approaching the American flag to dismiss himself from the meeting at which point Cmdr.
Gifford addressed Dan regarding the Auxiliary and male spouses of service women who are unable to
participate.  The discussion became intense which led to discussions of perceived lack of recruitment
and infringement of local posts territory for Post 381 fundraising; prompting Dan’s request to be
removed from the meeting; and upon approval, Dan left the premises while Cmdr Gifford was still
providing explanation of the American Legion’s national point of view of the issues and the status quo of
American Legion Posts within the state of Maryland.

After the Oct Meeting, Cmdr Gifford apologized for approaching Post 381 in a position that was
perceived as belittling of Post Members as it was not his intentions to do so. Furthermore, Cmdr Fisher
received phone calls on how the meeting was closed to which Cmdr Fisher had to make amends for
actions which appeared to be disrespectful to Cmdr Gifford.

As a result of this incident, Mr. Turner suggested that a letter be drafted to National, which would also
be disseminated to the American Legion Posts of Maryland, stating Post 381’s mission as a “Global
Outreach Post” interacting and recruiting veterans throughout the world. This way, Maryland Posts
would have the opportunity to respond to the letter nationally. Cmdr Fisher advised he would prepare
the draft.

New Business:

Cmdr Fisher Requested Jeremy to review National bylaws to ensure that Post 381 is not violating any
regulations when it comes to Post 381 recruiting/fundraising activities in the areas of other posts
without their consent or knowledge; regardless of State bylaws.

Cmdr Fisher has passed the test for the Boy Scouts of America and is awaiting response from new
leadership to partner with Post 381 in community service efforts.

Cmdr Fisher received the new Commercial Driver’s License endorsement for Veterans. Cmdr Fisher
requested that the steps to obtain the endorsement through the DMV be posted on Post 381’s website
as it could potentially bring veterans with driving experience in the military an avenue to obtain
employment.  The endorsed paperwork would be presented to the DMV, and recent military driving
certifications would be added to a veterans Maryland driver’s license, without the veteran needing to
take additional tests. Another requirement is the veterans  DD-214 have an honorable discharge and
code of RE-1 making the person eligible to drive if reinstated.

Cmdr Fisher’s sister, Jeanine, has created a sign for Post 381 to be placed on Denny’s Property. It was
recommended that her name and her company’s name are listed as a sponsor on Post 381s website.

Cmdr Fisher requested an official letter from Col. Wooden of the National Guard Youth Challenge camp
that Pam is associated with, as to whether or not they would like Post 381s support with mentors. Cmdr
Fisher is currently awaiting a response.

For the Good to the American Legion:

Sergeant-at-Arms Ian Young would like to provide Post 381 contact information and images to the VA
Representative at the College of Southern Maryland to display on the campus. Cmdr Fisher was pleased
with the request and advised Mr. Young to have the VA Rep contact himself so the exchange of
information could take place.

MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall

Next meeting will be December 16, at 7:30pm, at the local Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant Post 381 Commander