Monday, September 1, 2014

July 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
July 21, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:45 pm
at Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                    Casey Fisher
Pamela Neal-Robinson
Erle Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Convocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.


Treasury Report: Finance Officer Pam Neal-Robinson advised two deposits were made,
totaling $200 for the current month. Two checks were received (one for $70.00 and the
other for $25) after the posting of the final balance, and which will be deposited no later
than Jul 26th. MSP

Grounds Committee Report: Jeremy Foster reported the Grounds Committee will meet with
Councilman Mel Franklin and Staff on July 31 to present them with a Certificate of
Recognition and Commander’s Coin for their support in providing the 20 acres of land being
donated to Post 381 by PGC’s Park and Planning Commission. The additional acres will allow
Post 381 to host Turkey Shoots prior to construction of the new post.

Community Committee Report: Chair Pam Neal-Robinson spoke with Mrs. D. Knight, Troop
Leader of local Girl Scout Troop 6202, of which Post 381 is sponsoring. Currently Troop 6202
are members of the Kid’s Club of Waldorf (a non-profit organization affiliated to the Girl
Scouts of America). Mrs. Knight is requesting of Post 381’s assistance in fundraising events
separate from the sponsored fundraising events by the Kid’s Club of Waldorf in order to
bring more revenue to Troop 6202. Mrs. Knight is asking if Post 381 would allow them to
fundraise in the next available Post 381 event to which there would be less restrictions as
far as monies received in a Post 381 sponsored event rather than in a Kid’s Club of Waldorf
sponsored event. Troop 6202 is expecting to attend the August 24 Charles County
Community event led by Post 381’s very own Pam Neal-Robinson. Post 381 has already
planned to donate the use of the moon bounce and support to the community attending
this event. If Post 381 allows Troop 6202 to fundraise under the provision of Post 381 as a
non-profit organization, revenue received will be distributed amongst Post 381 and Troop
6202 only (terms of the distribution of funds and real estate at the event will be determined
at a later date). Motion was made for Post 381 to adopt Troop 6202 as their non-profit
organization to fundraise on the 24 Aug 2014 Community Event with Post 381. MSP

The issue of profits distributed between Post 381 and any other entity jointly fundraising at
events will be tabled until the following meeting to further discuss the idea of
“cost+percentage”, meaning that distribution of funds between Post 381 and the other
entity would take into consideration the cost of the product being sold, the distribution of
the profit based on a percentage of the labor conducted by both entities (in which case the
percentage will be negotiable for each event), and the size of the event that’s hosting the

Land Report: First Vice Commander Henry Turner will be providing a proposal from his
management group to Post 381 by 31 Jul 2014, in order to understand what Mr. Turner’s
company can do for Post 381 as far as finding contractors to support the building of
infrastructures of Post 381, but the Post must also do its due diligence in exploring other
management groups in the local area to compete for Post 381’s business. Commander
Fisher has charged Robert Bowman and Dr. Billings to provide, in writing, guidelines to
Prince George’s County (PGC) Park and Planning of how Post 381 will be able to obtain PGC
businesses (primarily) to be a part of the building Post 381. Mr. Turner’s proposal will be
along the same lines as far as the message is concerned, but it will be from the perspective
of Mr. Turner’s business.  Commander Fisher asked Robert to take the lead on this project in
the vetting of competing management companies when Post 381 is ready to take on bids.

New Business:

Commander Fisher advised that The American Legion is on the verge of changing their
policies regarding Korean War Veterans who are being excluded from joining the Legion.
Commander has requested of Dan Dorrance to be a part of the committee of delegates
(along with Commander Fisher and Robert Bowman) to be able to vote on the matter.

Commander Fisher announced Robert “Rob” Bowman as the newest member of Post 381,
to which Rob notified the Post that the Navy’s 1st Petty Chief Officer Association is having a
meeting at the National Harbor on 25 Jul 2014 at 0900hrs at the O&I Building, to which Rob
will be talking about the vision of Post 381 and the use of the American Legion to benefit the
Active Duty Members, in order to draw in new Active Duty Membership.

New Commemorative Coins (Post 381 Coin and Commander’s Coin) have come in.
Commander Fisher presented Casey Fisher with the Commander’s Coin for her support and
development of the Auxiliary. Commander Fisher also presented Pam Neal-Robinson with a
Commander’s Coin for her service with the Post.  Commander Fisher will also present Ellen
Foster of Enterprise Rent-A-Car with a Commander’s Coin, who introduced Post 381 to Girl
Scout’s Troop 6202 and has donated $300 to Post 381, at a later date.

Commander Fisher took a vote of the cost of the Post 381 coins and based on the number of
votes of those present at the meeting, the coins will be sold for $10.

Report for the Good of the Post:
Commander Fisher read the April 13, 2014 article from the Colorado Springs Gazette, which
interviewed Commander Fisher, 1st Vice Commander Turner, and former 2nd Vice
Commander Bryan Hoover about honoring Airman 1st Class Matthew Seidler by naming Post

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday,  August 18, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ at Denny’s Place.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                          Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander