Friday, January 2, 2015

Nov 2014

Small color emblem

Post 381
November 17, 2014 

The American Legion Warffemius-Seider Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:30 pm
At Denny’s Place, 15800 Brandywine Road, Brandywine, MD by Post Commander Ron Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                            Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                          County Commander Haywood Moss
Pamela Neal-Robinson                                                       new member Charles Robinson
Henry Turner
Erle Ross
Bob Ross
Ian Young
Felix Colaciello
Chris Marshall
Jeremy Foster
David Billings
Dan Dorrance
Robert Bowman

Invocation from Post Chaplain, Chris Marshall

Minutes from the previous meeting was presented and approved.

Treasury Report: Finance Officer Pamela Neal-Robinson presented the Treasurer’s Report.
Cmdr Ron Fisher advised that $8.00 cash was given to the Post due to a bounced check,
therefore the $8.00 will be deposited within the coming week. MSP to accept the report.

Excecutive Committee Report: Finance Officer Neal-Robinson advised she attended the
meeting with Parks and Recreation in regards to the different phases of development of
Wilmer’s Park. She reported that a Memorandum of Instruction (MOI) / Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA) was provided to the attendees of the meeting. A follow-up meeting
sometime after Thanksgiving will include the Director of Parks and Recreation to finalize the
MOA in the sharing of responsibilities between the Post and Parks and Recreation. It was
suggested to the representatives of the Post to adjust Phase 1 of the 3-Phase plan so that
there would be less resistance in getting the MOA approved quicker. Nikita Reed presented
the Project Proposal to the group, while Cmdr Fisher and First Vice Cmdr Henry Turner
elaborated on the plans Post 381 had in store for Wilmer’s Park.

One and a half million dollars is needed to operationally maintain the facilities at Wilmer’s
Park; bringing the total costs of the new Post to $15 million which needs to be raised, giving
the Post a buffer of 3 years to meet its goal. Revenue contributing to the funding of the Post
would include patronage of a restaurant on site, coy aquatic farming, rental of sports
equipment and banquet facility, gym, etc. Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars is
needed for the initial start-up of the Post. The Post has already received a grant for $4000 to
be used for the initial start-up.

Community Relations Report: Cmdr Fisher announced that Bob Ross received an official
letter from the State of Maryland NAACP’s support of Post 381’s restoration of Wilmer’s

Nakita Reed was also able to obtain correspondence from the African American Historic
foundation that was extremely supportive in Post 381 revitalizing Wilmer’s Park.

Historian’s Report: On behalf of Post Historian Felix Colaciello, Cmdr Fisher reported the
granddaughter of Mr. Wilmer supports Post 381 in obtaining the land, so Historian Colaciello
has reached out to her to express our gratitude for her support.

According to 1st Vice Cmdr Turner, as a result of all the support and approval letters from
the different associations regarding Post 381 obtaining Wilmer’s Park, there is no need for a
public hearing to take place.

Acquisitions Committee Report: Cmdr Fisher advised that The Home Depot will donate the
lumber in support of the revitalization of Wilmer’s Park including the Banquet Hall as soon
as the Temporary Lease is signed and measurements taken. Cmdr Fisher further advised
that once the restoration of the Banquet hall is completed, a sponsor will donate $1.5
million to have the facility named after this organization; to which this agreement would
have to be put to a vote in the December meeting by the members of the Post. Cmdr Fisher
also mentioned that for every $1000 received in fundraising, the donor will receive 8% back
(tax form 1099 will be required to be completed).

Old Business: License plates have been printed and ready for purchase for $15.

Finance Officer Neal-Robinson advised the Girl Scout Troop changed the date of their event
which was to have occurred on November 15, and would have to be rescheduled for
December. She will check on any Youth Camp availabilities for the month of December. The
official letter from the Girl Scouts supporting Post 381 has been given to Nikita Reed (to
scan) for the possible prospects of obtaining more grants.

Finance Officer Neal-Robinson also advised a letter of gratitude was sent to Post 381 from
The Jude House in regards to the support received from the Post.

Cmdr Fisher advised Post 381’s website will be update with all endorsements.

New Business: At the Southern Maryland District Executive Committee (DEC) meeting, Post
381’s Commander, Ron Fisher, received the Outstanding Commander Award, and Post 381
received the Outstanding Post  Award for 2014.

Judge Advocate Jeremy Foster reported that during the DEC meeting, Ed White spoke out of
turn against Post 381, as he was at the meeting on behalf of National (wearing his Red Cap),
and not a member of the DEC. As such, he had no right to speak, according to national bi
laws, unless he was recognized by the Dec council. When Post 381 members were given the
opportunity to speak at the DEC, Mr. White would interject his opinions without being
recognized by the Chair. If Mr. White would have worn his White Cap at the meeting, he
would have been eligible to speak on behalf of the DEC, but this was not the case.

Department Second Vice Commander Pat McCoy also attended the DEC meeting and let it
be known that she was there, not as a “white Hat”, but on behalf of Post 381. Prince
George’s County Commander Haywood Moss, however, felt Mr. White should be allowed to
make his points at the meeting as the stipulation of donning the correct colored hat to
speak was a trivial matter.

Judge Advocate Foster request that a member of Post 381 sit in at the next DEC meeting to
insure Post 381’s objections of record were documented in the minutes. If Post 381’s
comments are not documented in the minutes, the Post has the right to challenge the
minutes and comments of Mr. White.

For the Good of the Post: County Commander Moss’ inspection of Post 381 stated that we
“passed with flying colors”, and he was “…very impressed with the way this Post was being
run”. County Cmdr Moss further stated that “(he) doesn’t know why this Post did not pass
last year, but sometimes people get locked into the old ways and not open to the new ways
of doing things.” And that “Post 381 is very effective and has an introspective
administration. Most records and reports are kept on computer portraying Posts of the

Adjourn:   MSP to adjourn.

Benediction given by Post Chaplain Chris Marshall.

Next meeting will be Monday, January 19, 2015, at 7:30pm, at Post 381 HQ located at 14313
Brandywine Heights Road, Brandywine, MD.

Meeting adjourned at 8:36 pm.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                         Ronald F. Fisher

Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander