Saturday, June 9, 2018

May 2018

Post 381
May 14, 2018

The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 3:00 pm
at the Post 381 Annex, 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, MD by Post Commander Ron

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:               Visitors:
Ron Fisher                                                                    State Delegate Darryl Barnes
Henry Turner                                                               Tyler Sterling (for Angela Alsobrooks)
Tyrone Eugene                                                              Ricardo Hendi
Bob Ross                                                                       Willy Blakeney
Erle Ross                                                                       Vance Jones
Lynda Hart                                                                     Jimmy Gavin
Fred Harley                                                                    Tom Slevin
Jennifer Syler                                                                 Dennis Bobo
Noah Call-Boyce
Meghan Feerick
Katelyn Moyers

Due to the business nature of this called meeting, normal opening and closing ceremonies
were dispensed.

Old Business: Post 381 Annex. Marlton Golf Club (G.C.) co-owner Vance Jones showed the
latest floorplan of the proposed Post 381 Annex.
     Maryland Lottery and Gaming, ITLM & Bingo Hall Program Administrator Tom Slevin
replied to a question by stating that his office does not restrict non-gaming machines such
as pinball machines in the same area as the ITLM’s (Instant Ticket Lottery Machine).
     Architect Ricardo Hendi said that ground breaking on the Annex building may be as early
as 4-6 months. Things that will account for the timing include the need for special
permitting at the Marlton G.C. and various other permits.
     Post 381 Commander Ronald F. Fisher announced the non-profit organizations that want
to use the Post 381 Annex including Novation Enterprises who will train veterans to work in
the cable/satellite industry.
     Maryland State Delegate Darryl Barnes provided some history on the legislature providing
bonds for non-profits and VSO’s (Veteran Service Organization). Delegate Barnes gave some
insights on how future bonds bills and appropriations are expected to work in regards to
how Post 381 could be part of the process and recipient.
     Marlton G.C. co-owner Willy Blakeney explained how the Marlton G.C. has
scheduled, and intends to continue to schedule, entertainment events this summer and how
those events are expected them to bring in non-golfing patrons, increasing the overall
number of people at the Marlton G.C.
     Mr. Slevin suggested increasing security in the Annex and to take secure steps to
transfer the ITLM money to the bank. He emphasized that the ITLM is “all cash”, and
that no credit cards are allowed.
     He further explained that the machines need to be kept plugged in so the server stays
active. Disconnecting from the server cause IT issues. His experience with other VSO’s
causes him concern with Post 381 starting with the maximum of five machines and suggests
the Post start with three ITLM’s. After traffic increases, or after Post 381 moves into the
new Annex building, the Post can call and get an additional ILTM or two.
     Post 381 member and Marlton G.C. Executive Administrator Lynda Hart showed an
example of the guest log book that will be used in the room with the ITLMs.

Meeting adjourned at 4:02pm.

Next meeting will be Monday, June 18, at 7:30pm, at the Post 381 Annex, 9414 Midland
Turn, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Respectfully submitted;

Erle Ross                                                                                         Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander