Friday, August 31, 2018

July 2018 Minutes

Post 381
July 16, 2018

The American Legion Warffemius-Seidler Post 381 membership meeting opened at 7:41 pm
at Post 381 Annex at the Marlton Golf Club, 9413 Midturn Lane, Upper Marlton, MD 20772, by Commander Ronald Fisher.

A quorum being met by the following
members in attendance or excused absences:                 Visitors:
Henry Turner                                                                           Ricardo Hendi
Tyrone Eugene                                                                        Alfanso Malone
Ron Fisher
Chris Marshall
Lynda Hart
Mathew Reichers
Erle Ross
Sherry Miller
Pamela Neal-Robinson

Chaplain Chris Marshall presented the invocation.

Introductions: Our newest member, Winnie Moore, was introduced. Guest Alfanso Malone was introduced.

Minutes: The minutes from last month were read and one correction made. MSP to approve.

Financial Report: Commander Ronald Fisher gave the Post 381 financial report. There are two bank accounts to consider – the primary checking account, and a new account required by the Lottery Commission to operate the ILTM (Instant Lottery Ticket Machine). The invoices arrived for the Post to pay the annual dues to the Prince George’s County Council and the Southern Maryland District Council and were paid. MSP to accept.
A local church has indicated a desire to donate to the Post for using the Moon Bounce.
An anonymous donor will allow the Post to pay the balance to the electrician who installed the electrical outlets in the Marlton Golf Club’s clubhouse for use by the Post’s ITLMs.

Commander’s Report: Cmdr Fisher made us aware that the national NAACP is considering to sponsor our Post.
Wilmer’s Park: Post Architect Ricardo Hendi will contact Mr. Zimmerman at the Maryland-Capital Park and Planning Commission (PG P&P) tomorrow. Mr. Zimmerman is reviewing our proposal to operate Wilmer’s Park. 3rd V. Cmdr Eugene emphasized that Ricard should advise him if Mr. Zimmerman doesn’t respond or rely, with the intention of the Post 381 supporters contacting Mr. Zimmerman on our behalf.

Post 381 Annex: Mr. Hendi will be the architect and designer. He will draw a contract between his company, Amirse, and Post 381.
1st V.Cmdr Turner made a motion to give Mr. Hendi the first installment of $5,000.00 so Mr. Hendi can start the next step, which includes getting bids on different aspects of the project. MSP. 1st V.Cmdr Turner said that after writing this check, there will be $95,000.00 balance remaining from the bond account.
1st V.Cmdr Turner made a motion for Mr. Hendi to get three bids for the building. MSP.
1st V.Cmdr Turner will ensure that the Marlton Golf Club will add $500.00 to the gaming cash drawer/register tomorrow.

Old Business:  none.

For the Good of the Post: Cmdr Fisher went through a check-list with the Post’s commitments to Marlton Golf Club, and The Marlton’s commitments to the Post. The Post and Marlton agreed on the status of each item.

Next meeting will be Monday, August 20, at 7:30pm, at the Post 381 Annex, 9413 Midland Turn, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Meeting adjourned at 8:51pm.

Respectfully submitted;

/signed/                                                                                      /signed/
Erle Ross                                                                                              Ronald F. Fisher
Post 381 Adjutant                                                                            Post 381 Commander